Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 successive lines of type which are of unequal length and which are aligned at either the right or left hand column .
2 The prisoners welfare group Nacro , says every prisoner leaving jail should be given at least the basics to make a fresh start .
3 Please note that all events in the Festival which are bookable in advance can be booked at either the Festival Booking Office or the Grand Opera House Booking Office .
4 The monitoring will be applied at either the commencement of the case or at the point where it becomes defended , and will require notice of the defendant 's intention to defend .
5 A wall-hung basin , which is held in place by secure wall brackets , can be fixed at exactly the height you want , although the supply and waste pipes will be exposed .
6 Lateralised processing mechanisms may be engaged at either the acoustic , phonetic , syntactic or semantic levels of language .
7 Close comparison of BBC and ITN footage shows that the BBC film has in shot the man who was most severely beaten by the police , but that the film has been cut at precisely the point when the policeman begins to set about him with his truncheon .
8 They are used because of their alleged efficiency , the two main spectral lines of sodium being emitted at nearly the peak of the colour response curve for the human eye .
9 In February 1990 more secret files were found at both the Defence and Justice Ministries .
10 erm Now , perhaps we come back to what can we do at this end , and I think Friends of the Earth has done an excellent job in bringing it to peoples ' attention that large areas of tropical forest are being destroyed at roughly the rate of 0.7 or 0.8 percent of the forest each year , erm and they , you know I 'm in agreement with them on the fact that forest is disappearing , it 's dangerous in many places , it 's catastrophic in some , for instance , particularly in West Africa , the clearing that 's gone on in the Ivory Coast is pretty disastrous , and erm there are indications that the West African strip of forest along the strip of the West African Coast by removing that you 're going to make not only that area slightly drier , but mainly the northern areas of those countries , and the drier , so it may well affect climate .
11 Beveridge was aware that , with few private resources to fall back on , most people would become poor unless basic national insurance benefits were paid at above the level that society deemed to be the minimum income level .
12 Worse , however , is the fact that the image is also fixed in its proportions and , unless it has been created at precisely the size you wish to use it , it will distort when manipulated by the publishing package .
13 The irony is that the skins in trying to be ‘ authentic ’ have ended up reviving an idea of working class culture which is frozen at precisely the point when a ‘ real ’ , ‘ authentic ’ working class identity was being positively eaten away from outside .
14 A major reason why so many people live on low incomes is that national insurance benefits , such as old-age pensions and unemployment pay , are paid at below the income support and housing benefit levels .
15 It is no coincidence that mass schooling was invented at roughly the time when nation states had come into existence and the need arose to instil in their citizens the idea that the new entity had first claim on their loyalties .
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