Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The similarity continues if people or animals are examined at a later stage .
2 A bewildering number of configurations are now available ( Sigma Instruments , 1972 ; Cassat , 1977 ) , but in this Chapter discussion is confined to the basic drive circuits and the potential benefits of more sophisticated drives are examined at a later stage ( Chapter 5 ) .
3 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
4 Remains are scarce as most of the work has been rebuilt at a later date .
5 Guinness has been targeted at a wider audience , in particular the more individualistic drinker , a position which is supported by innovative advertising around the world .
6 The first , having to do with the very nature of the notations , is that some of them have certainly been added at a later date .
7 The statue is late Roman , the head of ( it is assumed ) Archbishop Adelmanno having been added at a later stage in what was believed to have been tenth-century style .
8 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
9 Would this lead to the principle of differentiation being accepted but used for different purposes , so that the goals of interest groups , rather than social welfare , dictate which commodities are taxed at a lower rate ?
10 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
11 Certainly this method of drawing has not been seen at a later date , and it would have been difficult to produce this quality and style of work in quantity .
12 Even if the two lists are merged at a later date , the historical traditionally positive attitudes toward the European languages may continue to permeate the philosophy underlying the education system ( including the curriculum and examinations ) .
13 Where an offer is made to shareholders and shares are sold at a higher price than the original offer , the compulsory bid is deemed to be revised , again ensuring that shareholders are treated equally .
14 Initially , the post had been envisaged at a lower level , but the Lords select committee pushed for this power .
15 But she 'd been born at a better time and there were arts councils and they had been good to her .
16 On this occasion , Anthony d'Offay made one bid of $100,000 but the reserve had been set at a higher level .
17 Red wines are fermented at a higher temperature than whites to extract colour and tannin from the skins .
18 Here , the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments .
19 A tenth of those questioned thought that Hitler was the greatest statesman of the century , whose true greatness would only be recognized at a later date , and a further 22 per cent thought that , while he had made ‘ some mistakes ’ he had nevertheless been an excellent head of State .
20 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
21 announced that the appeal would be dismissed for reasons to be given at a later date .
22 in severe cases the affected fish may be treated at a higher dose 10mg per litre in a separate hospital tank , for five days .
23 Because this had been stated in the debate , Mr Sproat explained , it had legal standing and could not be overturned at a later date .
24 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar provision in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at the consideration of new business and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment out with the month .
25 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar prohibition in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at consideration of new business , and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment outwith the month .
26 Thus a computer architecture and instruction set can be frozen at a later stage in the design process , and can be altered as a result of any inadequacies or improvements .
27 The finer details will have to be added at a later date when experience of operating in a contract culture has been gained .
28 However , it is well worth using in dishes which require the wine to be added at a later stage to give flavouring .
29 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
30 They carry the Government Class 1 BS476 Part 7 fire ratings and can be installed at a lower cost than conventional re-roofing .
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