Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] that [det] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
2 It has already been noted that some science students had made the choice between science and arts on the basis that it was easier to keep up with arts in one 's spare time than it was to keep up with science .
3 It must of course be realised that any funding organisation may wish to appoint their own solicitor to handle the case , particularly if a trade union is involved , but as always , the client 's interests must come first .
4 It should be emphasized that this policy initiative was part of much broader policy changes in the city , set in motion by a new Labour leadership elected in May 1980 .
5 Looking at the artwork for the UV Exposure Timer , it will be seen that all mains parts are at one end of the board , with 240V connections via screw terminals for safety .
6 Today , in light of the obligations of Article 102 of the United Nations Charter , it could perhaps be argued that each member State has constructive notice of the treaty obligations of all other members and therefore must be deemed to have notice of any restrictions upon treaty-making power .
7 Although the use of higher stack numbers is a great convenience to the manufacturer , it must be remembered that more phase windings require more drive circuits , so the user has to pay a penalty in terms of drive circuit cost .
8 It is to be hoped that all steam enthusiasts will perhaps make an effort to support this railway at some time during the present season to help to ensure that it remains in being into the future .
9 It must be emphasised that this phasor diagram applies only to the fundamental current component and that the complete phase current waveform contains many other higher frequency components , which do not contribute to the torque produced by the motor .
10 It has frequently been observed that many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation , and this applies particularly to teachers ' use of questions ( e.g. , Barnes , 1969 ; Stubbs , 1976 ; Edwards , 1980 ) .
11 It has been estimated that these subsistence farmers are globally responsible for half of all rainforest destruction , as they march deeper and deeper into virgin forest .
12 Power 's generating monopoly , ministers have been warned that more power stations must urgently be brought on stream to meet projected demand .
13 It is intended that this pilot research will develop a standardised set of procedures with which the investigation can be extended over the remaining Ulster counties which subsequently formed Northern Ireland .
14 Subject to availability of these resources , it is intended that these unit specifications would be available by June 1990 .
15 So rather than pay nine pounds ninety pence it 's claimed that many lorry drivers take a detour through gloucester , then heading back down the A48 through Newhnam .
16 Energy is then put into the system by the process of succussion and it is visualized that this energy input helps to stabilize the shape-specific water polymers so formed .
17 It is expected that this halon replacement programme will continue to generate new business for the foreseeable future .
18 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
19 It is recommended that this error log is never allowed to grow so large that typing it to the screen takes a significant amount of time .
20 It is said that some crime syndicates have collected so many paintings that they have set up their own galleries .
21 Library use is never evenly distributed throughout the stock , and it is accepted that some stock categories will only be used by a small number of readers .
22 It is thought that some member States will have difficulty in adhering to such timing , although a spokesman for the Italian Ministero dei Beni Culturali said that , provided that the deadline was reasonable , there was no particular difficulty in cooperating with British authorities .
23 It is recognised that each Network member may undertake exclusive sell situations for which international marketing is inappropriate and which will therefore not be circulated amongst Network members .
24 ‘ It is known that some door supervisors have convictions and a history of violence .
25 As a result of her lecture demonstration it is hoped that some physiotherapy patients may be recommended to attend Medau classes .
26 It is hoped that some refresher sessions will be included in the Easter Course and at the weekends at Green Park which provide insight into the up-to-date methods of teaching Medau .
27 Because there is often more than one casualty involved in an accident , it is estimated that this casualty target can be achieved by reducing the number of accidents by about 50 .
28 He said yesterday : ‘ It appears that the Secretary of State has been advised that that Yorkhill complex does not have what the act calls ‘ a significant teaching commitment ’ .
29 It has been suggested that this acetylation process may inactivate the drug , and the results of clinical treatment trials of Ac-ASA have been conflicting , with the drug being ineffective in two out of three trials .
30 It has even been suggested that some coral reefs , which it will be recalled are mostly dead coral and debris , are being destroyed rather than built up : they could be relics of higher sea levels .
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