Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] the same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , it can be understood as recommending that one live in such ; way that the various aspects of one 's being are given the same degree of power as they have of innate authority .
2 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
3 Lesley wants sexual equality , but does n't believe attitudes have yet changed enough : ‘ We do n't yet have true equality ; until we do , women will have to overstress themselves and overprove themselves just to be given the same level of respect as their male peers .
4 John Popham , a parliamentary agent representing 13 local residents who have petitioned against the bill , believes that ‘ residents of Newport should be given the same degree of protection as the government has decided is necessary for property owners in Cardiff ’ .
5 The broadcasting of discussions and debates between politicians of widely different positions takes place regularly and , when interviewed , critics of the Federal Government appear to be given the same kind of deferential treatment as Federal spokesmen .
6 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
7 Magistrates will be given the same immunity over their actions in court as judges now enjoy .
8 Magistrates will be given the same immunity from claims for costs or damages over their actions in court as judges now enjoy .
9 Thus it might be that the old English case of Woodhouse v Brotherhood 1972 ] ICR 186 would be decided the same way under the Directive , because the facts , as found in that case , were that the transferee employer used the factory and the machines to produce different products from those made by the transferor and sold them in different markets .
10 While most of the cases which were decided under the heading of gross negligence would be decided the same way under reckless manslaughter , from cases such as Lamb , above , manslaughter by gross negligence may survive despite Lord Roskill 's statement in Kong Cheuk Kwan v R that the term was not to be used .
11 Even if they are not Mercury subscribers , indirectly-connected customers of Callink will be offered the same level of service as those who subscribe to Mercury .
12 Why then , it will be asked , do ‘ visible extension and figures come to be called the same name with tangible extension and figures , if they are not of the same kind with them ’ ?
13 What this case clearly shows is that one has to be very careful in assuming that in restraint of trade cases a phrase ascribed a meaning in one case will also be ascribed the same meaning in another .
14 Had she been asked the same question in different surroundings her amazement might have been tempered with doubt that Nahum Morey was in his right mind , but in this confined space she began to share his conviction that they had been drawn together by their various needs .
15 Mice receiving lower mediastinal irradiation ( L ) were given the same dose of radiation to the same sized but adjacent field ( T5-T10 ) .
16 Is n't it time that members standing for C E C elections were given the same equality with Regional Secretaries , who as we all know , all year round , in all regions , when a leaflet or a booklet goes out to members , in most of them there is a photograph of the Regional Secretary .
17 A pair of identical twins of very similar abilities were taught the same topic by teachers of greatly different experience .
18 Non-radioactive oligonucleotide duplexes were prepared the same way by mixing 2 pmol each of the complementary strands .
19 Broadly parallel announcements were made the same day in respect of Wales and Scotland .
20 On Oct. 26 a further search was made and Wolfgang Pöhl , the party treasurer , and another party official were arrested the same day under suspicion of embezzling party funds .
21 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
22 As protection , the floating charge holder is given the same priority with respect to any property representing directly or indirectly the property disposed of as he would have had with respect to the property subject to the floating charge .
23 As a trivial example , one student may have scored five out of ten on his arithmetic test by answering the five additions correctly and the five subtractions incorrectly while his/her friend is given the same score for precisely the converse performance !
24 He 's done the same thing with the torture scene .
25 The bifurcation patterns in the ( a , b ) parameter space have been plotted for unc [ 30 ] , and as b is increased the same pattern of bifurcations into non--periodic solutions ( period doubling , chaos ) is repeatedly seen .
26 If BP boss Sir Peter Walters had been paid the same proportion of sales he would have received a salary of £8.1billion .
27 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
28 Dissident middle-ranking army officers staged a coup attempt in April , which was foiled the same day after heavy fighting [ see p. 37367 ] .
29 She was born the same day in 1877 that Alexander Graham Bell launched his first telephone company and became a teacher when just 13 .
30 On Feb. 18 the North suspended the fourth round of Premiers ' talks which had been scheduled for Feb. 25-28 , but agreement was reached the same month on joint sports teams [ see p. 38010 ; see also pp. 38341 ; 38437 ; 38529 ; 38576 ] .
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