Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A much more likely explanation of Libet 's findings is simply that all experiences are delayed relative to the stimulus causing them , so that synchronous external events produce synchronous experiences .
2 But that rescue mission had been stopped dead by the presence of the twenty thousand Frenchmen encamped in Frasnes who had been sent by the Emperor to make sure that the allied armies did not combine .
3 From the six potential exemplars three films were chosen of each junction , one low risk , one medium risk and one high risk , the three levels of exemplar risk are assigned relative to the junction mean again using the mean risk rating from Study 2 .
4 Here details are given both of the executive at the PR consultancy working on the account and the relevant executive at the client company .
5 Some are listed adjacent to the term to which they are to be applied and in the form in which they are to be applied in the main list .
6 To protect the double doors when they were open to allow the passage of vehicles , two large stones about fifteen inches square and three feet in height had been placed next to the brickwork by the pavement .
7 Candidates who are admitted to study for the PhD , MLitt or MPhil are registered first under the designation of ‘ supervised postgraduate student ’ .
8 Biazon had been given much of the credit for the successful loyalist defence of Camp Aguinaldo during the December 1989 coup attempt [ see pp. 37120-21 ] .
9 Strike , riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased .
10 The old program is deleted ( as if a NEW command had been given prior to the LOAD ) and all the dynamic variables are cleared .
11 This section does not cover failure of public transport services caused by strike , riot or civil commotion in respect of which warning has been given prior to the commencement of departure from home .
12 I had the feeling I had been given most of the pieces , but not the boxfront picture to tell me how to put them together .
13 The interim committee , which was established by a resolution of the board of governors in 1974 , has been given more of the responsibilities of the full board since its smaller number of members allows it to work more effectively .
14 The cast-iron bath continues the Victorian theme and has been painted pink on the outside to fit in with the rest of the decor .
15 A Memorial shaped like a B17 tailfin has been erected next to the town 's library .
16 Seldon 's plan gets the boot and cosmic — if not terrifically original — concepts are bandied all in the manner of Greek plays where Messengers arrive to report an offstage battle .
17 The Club Exclusive Sunshine Studios are surrounded by pretty gardens about 20–25 minutes from the beach and nightlife of Faliraki , and are situated next to the Irene Studios .
18 He had been stripped naked in the oil store , where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices , and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks .
19 It is expected that a draft of the proposed Railway Clearing House submission will have been completed prior to the meeting so as to form a basis for discussion .
20 Automobiles , machinery , electronics , chemicals and many others are somewhere in the middle : the choices made by individual firms are scattered all across the map .
21 In southern France young bulls are let loose in the towns and sported by the youths .
22 The town , which been evacuated prior to the beginning of the war , was only lightly defended by allied troops .
23 In Schedule 2 are included some of the minority community languages e.g. , Hindi , Bengali , Panjabi , Gujarati , Urdu .
24 of the services that have been put out to tender have been won in-house despite the fact that in-house organisations can not develop the capital investment and lease equipment in the same way as the private sector .
25 ‘ The thing is , ’ said the agent , ‘ they had the money for the rental in cash , they do n't seem to sell much pottery , but they can run two off-road jeeps which are parked undercover in the barns .
26 Except for a white , Ford van , similar to the van that had been parked near to the Coroner 's Court , nothing caught his suspicions ; he watched the van drive past .
27 A body has been reported stranded on the shore on the west side of Kernick Head . ’
28 Interestingly , no similar safeguard has yet been considered appropriate for the video industry under the terms of the Video Recordings Act 1984 .
29 information relating to the radio , time and outside temperature are located high on the dashboard to avoid the driver 's eyes straying from the road
30 Students who fail to return the form or who are deemed ineligible by the Board will be responsible for the payment of their fees .
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