Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 White and Wilson also comment : ‘ Within the case studies it has not been possible to examine closely the relationship ( if any exists ) between the use of information and personal or business effectiveness .
2 We are prepared to offer either a time based fee or a fixed fee .
3 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
4 Parliament , he said , had been careful to avoid even the appearance of countenancing such a doctrine .
5 Once it has been demonstrated how the logic behind the traditional fidelity to the interests of the shareholders is flawed in the context of the large public company , we are free to examine exactly the nature of the stake which shareholders and others have in the company .
6 Yes , well that 's their er stipulations and that 's what they 're supposed to do once a year !
7 This compromise incorporates two tiers of tariffs which are likely to reduce marginally the price of British bananas but push them up for the Germans .
8 In such a situation , ruling bodies , be it the WBO , WBA or WBC , are reluctant to take away a champion 's title when it has been so close .
9 Support staff , numerically increased in some areas , but threatened with further reductions in others , are able to reach only a minority of the estimated number of children in need of special attention .
10 By formulating such objectives , ward staff are able to define precisely the general and the specific care required by the patients of their particular specialty .
11 Bob has even been able to sketch outdoors a couple of times .
12 Now I 'm a governor of two schools and from this perspective in particular , I 'm very pleased to see that as a result of the legacy of previous Conservative administration and the generous S S A proposals for this year , that the Conservative group have been able to put forward a budget which enables schools budgets to be increased fully for demography and inflation and certainly I know that was a great worry this year in many of our schools that that might not be possible so it 's good to see that it is possible .
13 I remember that morning vividly as I was so nervous and had n't been able to sleep much the night before .
14 Have you been able to gather together the whole of your father 's former collection ?
15 Even in the sudden rush from the Store the nomes had been able to bring quite a lot of stuff .
16 ‘ — but if Ross had n't twisted Owen 's arm and made him take the money we would n't have been able to afford even a shoe-box .
17 The committee had not been able to establish clearly the cost of nuclear power but agreed that it was at least 2@1/2 times the cost estimated before privatization was considered .
18 No research , not even that of Stillman Drake , the leading authority on Galileo , has been able to establish unequivocally the truth about the Scheiner claim .
19 Additionally , the project has also been able to localise successfully the disruption to those tasks in which the order of information has to be preserved .
20 I have been able to offer only a summary of the GR-1 's facilities , knowing that the curious amongst you will want to seek one out and demand a ‘ hands on ’ demo at your leisure .
21 When the index is computerised it will be practicable to increase greatly the number of names on the index .
22 With the availability of effective pharmacological antagonist of the endothelin system in the very near future , it may soon be possible to test directly the contribution of ET-1 to the progression of disease in patients with CFA .
23 These properties make possible studies of the pulsar at radio wavelengths with unprecedented detail , and indicate that it should be possible to detect both the pulsar and its companion at optical and perhaps shorter wavelengths .
24 Without this redshift/distance relation , it would be possible to estimate reliably the distance to most of the galaxies we observe .
25 Second , since any forger who makes additions to a genuine document will destroy the original to avoid detection , it must generally be impossible to know precisely the extent of forged elements in otherwise genuine documents .
26 It can not be easy to explain away the disappearance of 105,070 books from the stock of Brent Central Library at Willesden Green as part of the £8 million scheme of development .
27 Before commenting on these moves , it might be useful to consider briefly an extension of the reductivist argument .
28 Before embarking on the exposition of the theoretical model itself , it may be helpful to consider briefly the nature of the theory of economic growth , how it should be interpreted , and some of the sources of controversy .
29 But I 'm able to get quite a lot of information and I 'm saying this because you too can get it .
30 Dubček therefore calculated that it would be safe to whittle away the censorship of the media , break out of the nomenklatura network and transform the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from a ‘ democratic centralist ’ into a democratic organisation .
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