Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [verb] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion a New Bradwell man , having been unsuccessful in boarding the first two ‘ buses to Bradwell at lunch time , expostulated ‘ I 'll get a seat on the next one even if I have to stand up ’ needless to say he never lived that statement down .
2 Although Braque had been responsible for taking the first steps towards a more abstract type of painting , his own use of the new procedure was much more cautious than Picasso 's .
3 As I said , he certainly has nt been alone in fading the last few games — and he does do the work to begin with , so maybe has more right to fade .
4 Just over 60 years ago nuns from the same convent left Britain to be instrumental in providing the first Carmelite presence in South Africa .
5 No setting off home straight after a quick lunch to be sure of catching the last lift ?
6 Good morning , hope you all enjo hope you all enjoyed the meeting last night and er just by way of a change today we 've got er er resolutions and debates on the Labour Party and from one socialist party to another can I extend the warmest congratulations of the G M B Labour Party Conference to our comrades in Spain who 've been successful in winning a fourth general election .
7 International fame was achieved after he joined the Marlborough Gallery in 1958 who were instrumental in organising the first retrospective at the Tate in 1962 , to be followed by major shows at the Grand Palais , Paris , in 1971 and the Tate in 1985 .
8 The gourmet , presented with a difficult choice between two dishes , ponders which will please him more as in other circumstances he might weigh conflicting moral demands , decides which one tempts his palate , chooses to order it without even being conscious of making a second decision , let alone one which requires a logically different kind of support , and afterwards perhaps is disappointed by the dish and regrets having chosen wrongly .
9 Sinn Fein , including chairman Tom Hartley , won three seats in Lower Falls on the first count and were confident of taking a fourth seat in the area .
10 I understood him to reproach us for being slow in commissioning the fourth vessel .
11 Chapter 29 of that work is remarkable for containing the first scientific investigation of the tides , involving the earliest ‘ establishment of a port ’ , that is , the mean interval between the time of high water and that of the previous transit of the meridian by the moon .
12 Dalglish is concerned after seeing the Second Division table-toppers manage just one win in their last seven games .
13 I was involved in writing the first two drafts of the film , but by the sixth draft there were n't that many of my ideas left .
14 Just under a century later , in 869–70 , the Emperor Basil II , though he had turned for help to Pope Hadrian II , was responsible for summoning the fourth Council of Constantinople .
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