Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] [det] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean you 're lucky to get that one mate , I mean you must have been , caught him on a real good day .
2 ‘ We are also concerned that the North Down and Ards unit has lost half its beds in the last 10 years and recent board proposals are likely to mean another hundred closures .
3 It would be easy to put this 1814 statement down to the cowardice of a middle-aged civil servant ashamed of his youthful indiscretion , were it not for the amazing passage which follows .
4 Suggestions are made in Chapter 13 on how the possibility of a different perspective can be approached in the classroom , and it might be helpful to read these two chapters in conjunction .
5 You should be able to answer these two questions :
6 Gulfstream claims that with a single fuel stop a GV will be able to link any two capitals or business centres across the world .
7 Okay so I think that erm some of Mill 's system he has given us and accounted them a type of theory of democracy but seems to me deeply by between two ideas , one is that everyone will have a say in government and the other is they should n't be allowed decisive say if they are going to say the wrong thing so that on the one hand we have democratic equality of a source , on the other hand we have an independent theory of the good and a democratic process should be allowed to disrupt the good of the nation and Mill just does n't seem to be able to put these two elements in erm proper coherent fashion .
8 The Norton Antivirus can detect all the common viruses in the field , but while version 2.1 might claim to be able to detect all 1,400 viruses known to the NCSA , it still ca n't detect many old , well-known , ‘ laboratory ’ viruses such as Pogue , Starship , Slovakia or Slovakia-2 .
9 Neither of the ewes will be able to rear all four offspring themselves , but will be left with one or two while the others are fostered …
10 Must an item be able to fulfil all four functions of money to be able to be classed as money ?
11 It is expected that a lexicographer should be able to process some 75 entries a day doing trivial editing tasks and between 10 and 12 entries a day resolving complex editorial tasks .
12 It is not generally realised what a tiny percentage of our current dollar bill would be sufficient to buy another 100,000 houses ' worth of dollar timber .
13 A Commission survey has shown that walkers have only a one-in-3 chance of being able to complete any 2 mile walk .
14 In fact the chances of being able to fire all nine barrels are slim , as the weapon is likely to misfire first .
15 When we looked upwards again , we were amazed to see all three Fulmars still flying but firing emergency landing signals .
16 For , among other reasons , Turks did not fit into a Zuwaya genealogy ; in theory , it is possible to find all forty shaikhs who appeared from time to time in Zuwaya stories in a genealogy ( although it is only anthropologists who are sufficiently naive to ask which men were the victims and where did they fit in lists of ancestors ) .
17 By collecting the progeny of single 8-cell blastomeres in vitro it is possible to separate these two subpopulations since the pairs of 16-cell blastomeres are generally of different sizes and in most cases the larger cell is polar ( presumptive trophectoderm , TE ) and the smaller cell is apolar ( presumptive inner cell mass , ICM ) ( 26 , and Section 4.1 ) .
18 The programmed is likely to displace some 15,000 Auyu tribal people , most of whom depend on the forest as hunter-gatherers or rubber tappers .
19 That is likely to cost several thousand pounds , and the Scottish Legal Aid Board has already rejected his application to do that .
20 It is hard to reconcile these two statements .
21 Manchester U v Nottm Forest Tomorrow 's television match is unlikely to produce another eight goals for the viewers , but it should be more of a contest as United strive to find a blend and a pattern against Brian Clough 's tightly organised team .
22 It is difficult to pinpoint any one category of persons likely to commit this offence as a variety of motives will be involved .
23 It is difficult to reconcile these two interpretations .
24 Each has its relative merits depending on the application in mind and it is difficult to recommend any one package in particular .
25 Bearing in mind the revised dates for Lydney , therefore , it is plausible to see all four designs of type D as before 350 and , in some instances , as nearer to 320 .
26 The Prime Minister , Mr Rajiv Gandhi , was advised when he called the elections that his Congress Party was likely to win some 70 seats in the south .
27 In the case of the trapped cat , my neighbour was able to obey all four maxims at once , and on the assumption that all four were in operation , I was able to correctly interpret what she said .
28 He went on to obtain plates centred on about 1300 selected areas scattered uniformly over 75 per cent of the whole sky , on which he was able to recognise some 44000 galaxies down to apparent magnitude about 20 .
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