Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These schemes are of both the defined contribution type and the defined benefit type .
2 But the trend in the motor industry at large has been in quite the opposite direction to the Chapman philosophy ; cars have not become lighter over the years but noticeably heavier and more complex .
3 And perhaps the light from those ears of corn which are in just the right condition for her to lay her eggs , fluoresce in a particular manner , recognizing which from her own inward pre-patterned instincts , she homes in and deposits her eggs .
4 ‘ It all gives me the feeling that I 'm in completely the wrong place .
5 As someone who has championed the cause of renewable energy since the mid-1970s , I give a warm personal welcome to my hon. Friend 's statement , which I believe to be in exactly the right direction .
6 ‘ It will no doubt be in only the rare instance that a man does not consider the possibility that the woman is not consenting , and yet does not actually believe that she is .
7 On the street , the roof of your car may be at just the right height for you to rest your elbows as you take the shot , and there are all sorts of other items of street furniture such as lamp-posts which can serve as props .
8 Two lights are mounted so that when the beams meet he 'll be at just the right height .
9 Two lights are mounted so that when the beams meet he 'll be at just the right height .
10 I bought an expensive photograph album with a padded cover and gold curlicues on it and spent ages arranging the photographs I had taken at his house so that they were in just the right order .
11 It is not suggested however that directors ' duties , which are largely of judicial creation , are shaped by a theory that regards the purpose of the company and company law as being to further the public interest : it is not suggested that the ‘ social enterprise ’ perspective has influenced the development of the law .
12 Fresh flowers are fine for scenting the air but their life is finite , and to preserve their perfume , it was found that a mixture of flower petals , collected when they were at exactly the right stage in their development , then carefully dried or part-dried , and mixed with an ingredient which " fixed " the perfume , such as orris root ( Iris gennanica florentina ) would continue to give off fragrance for months and even years .
13 The haplochromines were also extremely numerous ; indeed , they were by far the principal biomass of Lake Victoria .
14 The Earth is just the right distance from a star , the Sun , which is of just the right kind of size .
15 Clearly , it is no use breaking the phosphate bond unless the ATP molecule is in just the right place ; otherwise the result would only be to heat things up .
16 ‘ The sun is in just the right place , and it will make a good picture . ’
17 ‘ As far as I 'm concerned the collection is in exactly the right building .
18 He is in exactly the right job : streets ahead of most others in the UK in his number-crunching agility — ‘ in the country 's top 5 per cent , at least ’ , Bloch says — and ‘ unbelievably good ’ at critical reasoning , with a score of 90 .
19 ‘ He is in exactly the right frame of mind to do the business .
20 Where the treaty language indicates the parties ' intention that the Canal shall have international usage , that the regime shall be permanent , and is to further the global need for open communication routes it seems that third party rights must be recognised .
21 I think probably that is at completely the other end of the spectrum , and would be stifling the natural growth in North Yorkshire and what you would be doing then is is acting against the erm the inhab the existing inhabitant of North Yorkshire because you would probably be forcing them out of their county .
22 The farmer 's prayer is to have good weather when his crop is at just the right stage to reap ; the ability to judge the state of a crop can come only with considerable experience .
23 ‘ They are given a topic straight away to revise for the first exam — which is at 9am the following morning .
24 There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be , or to be the son of , or to be one with the something which is at once the awful haunter of Nature and the giver of the moral law .
25 His choice is wealth : he is at once the traditional hero of British fiction in search of a happy marriage and prosperity — Tom Jones or David Copperfield — and , in his brisk competitive zeal , the first fictional yuppie .
26 Enclosure is manifest in many forms ; it is at once the womb-like interior of airplane , the surface of the body , the frame of a window , the border between countries , and the boundary between discourses .
27 It has to contain organic matter , which is at once the moisture-retentive component and the source of plant nutrient as it decomposes to its simple chemical components .
28 This is bad enough on food dishes , but with those there is at least the powerful odour of the fish or meat to smother the distasteful detergent smell .
29 Although women , elderly women in particular , feel at greater risk from violence , it is young men who are by far the main victims of assaults , which occur principally in the middle of the afternoon , not late at night .
30 Twelve minutes after the break he moved into the middle during a rare Palace break and was in just the right spot to hammer home a left-wing cross to give Palace a great victory and set up a 3rd round tie against Liverpool !
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