Example sentences of "[be] [adv] set up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In other words the access paths for joining or separating relations are not set up with the data .
2 Scottish Natural Heritage ( SNH ) has been formally set up from the merger of the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
3 Stones were also set up along the Great North Road in 1708 , but the first true milestone to be set up in Britain since Roman times was that at Trumpington , just outside Cambridge , in 1727 , where it is still to be seen .
4 The bronzes were later set up in the Porticus Metelli , the first secular building in Rome specifically intended for the display of booty .
5 Communication channels were immediately set up between the site , Melbourne , Port Moresby and London .
6 Christian roadblocks were therefore set up at the eastern end of the Ring motorway and the first 40 Muslim men to arrive at the Christian checkpoint , some of them travelling with their wives and children in their family cars to homes in east Beirut , were taken beneath the overpass and had their throats cut .
7 But real life , both human life and plant and animal life , is not set up for the benefit of spectators .
8 The Purple Airway is temporarily set up over the route covered by a Royal Flight .
9 A Fish Association was duly set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Kent .
10 The judicial commission of inquiry , announced by the Prime Minister , Vere Bird Sr , on April 25 , was duly set up under the chairmanship of a British QC , Louis Blom-Cooper .
11 This hillside defence system was probably set up by the Votadini , a tribe whose continual harassment by the neighbouring Selgovae led it to seek alliance with Rome at a very early stage .
12 Because the trust was originally set up for the purposes of mitigating inheritance tax the trust may come within the provisions of ss739 and 740 with the exemption mentioned in s741 not being available .
13 First , such a change does not take place overnight among all artists ; and secondly it is very hard to be certain that a given statue from the Acropolis was actually set up before the invasion .
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