Example sentences of "[be] [adv] know [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Together with ants , they are collectively known as the Hymenoptera , and they occur throughout the world ; some bumblebees even inhabit the high Arctic region .
2 The two schools later relocated to Saltersgill and are now known as the Beverley Schools for the Deaf , Middlesbrough .
3 They are well known in the Weald of Kent and Sussex and around Poole harbour ; and one land-drainage contractor was of the opinion in 1986 that in his own county , Northamptonshire , there was scarcely a parish without areas which were effectively undrainable due to ochre .
4 The mystery plays were originally known as the Corpus Christi Play ; the use of the singular ‘ play ’ indicated they were intended to be seen as a whole , while Corpus Christi refers to the holy day on which they were performed .
5 Trustee Bradford Eastman Phillips , retired president of Totes rain gear company and a member of the $1 million-plus club , took title to the Great Hall , which is henceforth known as the Phillips Hall .
6 Prof He s is best known among the WACC membership in his capacity as General Secretary of the international ecumenical film organisation , Interfilm .
7 It is , therefore , with a sense of mounting horror that one listens to Acheson sounding the knell of US policy in China in the letter which accompanied what is usually known as the China White paper , oblivious to the possibility that the bell was tolling for the same policy that was being reborn in Vietnam .
8 The fastest cars at Prescott were the big engined racing cars and the leading contenders were what 's affectionately known as the Cheltenham Mafia …
9 It is also known as the Ferahan design , as it so dominated the compositions of this Persian town .
10 The depth of these deposits varies from less than 10 m to more than 200 m and the major drainage system is that of the Huanghe River , which is also known as the Yellow River since it carries a huge volume of yellow silt from the Loess plateau into the Yellow Sea .
11 For the English-speaking nations , this concept was first realised on a substantial scale in what is now known as The Oxford English Dictionary , ( originally entitled A New English dictionary on Historical Principles ) .
12 The development is now known as the West End Office .
13 And D L Steelworks and Lanarkshire Steelworks , these er steelworks , all amalgamated which is now known as the Ravenscraig Steelworks .
14 Since the modernisation was carried out , the hotel is now known as the Forte Crest St James .
15 One aspect of the landscape revolution which this entailed appears to have been major drainage works , which drastically modified the stream between the two villages , to create what is now known as the Maxey Cut .
16 When told what the leaves were — for Poison Oak is well known across the Atlantic as a cause of severe contact dermatitis — she decided that she must wash vigorously ; and this she did about 1½ hours after touching the leaves .
17 My Tyrrell is well known in the Runcorn area and in Cheshire , being chairman of the Chester County Council .
18 It is well known in the EFTA countries and in those of central Europe that Britain has been perhaps the strongest advocate of enlargement .
19 Designed by the internationally famous Peter Lynn of New Zealand ( whose Octopus appears on the cover of this book ) , it is popularly known as the Peter Lynn Tri-D and it can be made using square cells based on 90-degree Isosceles triangles as Pat has drawn , or with equilateral triangles .
20 The result that Friedman 's approach to monetary policy is no longer inferior to a more ‘ flexible ’ approach , once one incorporates rational expectations into the basic aggregate supply and demand model , was demonstrated more formally and generally by Sargent and Wallace ( 1975 ) and is sometimes known as the Sargent-Wallace proposition .
21 A striking example of this is the Cakile maritima - Honkenya peploides community which is otherwise known as the Mertensio-Atriplicetum laciniatae association , from which Mertensia is nearly always absent in Scotland !
22 The specific question that Aspect , together with jean Dalibard and Gérard Roger , has attacked is commonly known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox , the essence of which runs as follows .
23 The race returned for on year in 1940 and was held over nine laps of a 100-mile circuit that took in Brescia-Cremona-Brescia and , while it was generally known as the Brescia Grand Prix , it still was accorded Mille Miglia status , unlike the 1939 event .
24 This was formerly known as the Argille scagliose or " scaly clays " .
25 He was well known at the Maze Races where he took part in many heats with various friends , including Edward Wakefield , the Quaker from Moyallon .
26 He was well known in the Formby area and his death stunned the local community .
27 Something over 33 years ago , I mounted an exhibition in what was then known as the Shandwick Place Gallery , on various rural crafts that included spinning .
28 Gradually the type became fixed as black and polled , though the red recessive gene remained within the breed ; a herdbook was established in 1862 , initially including the polled Galloway , and by 1867 the breed was officially known as the Aberdeen Angus .
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