Example sentences of "[be] [adv] see [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hosts : Horses and donkeys Site : Caecum and colon Species : Strongylus vulgaris S. edentatus S. equinus Distribution : Worldwide Gross : Robust dark-red worms which are easily seen against the intestinal mucosa .
2 The satellite 's primary role is to fill in the existing picture of the heavens , revealing stars , galaxies , clouds and so on that are not seen at the shorter optical and ‘ near ’ infrared wavelengths ( less than 5 micrometres ) , or at the longer wavelengths observed by radio telescopes .
3 Police at football matches are not seen as the immediate enemy in the way that they might be , say , in dealing with trespassers or others laying false claim to an essentially public area .
4 One manifestation of alienism is that deaf people are not seen by the various professions in education to have a professional view .
5 Indeed , utilitarianism and Kant 's ethic of duty for duty 's sake are usually seen as the two great extremes of moral theory , the line between them representing a continuum on which most moral philosophies with a positive theory of what is right and wrong can be placed .
6 While other ways of making money become more respectable and sometimes laudable , developers are still seen as the spiritual heirs of Victorian millowners and slum landlords , people who , even as they tear the hearts out of cities , simultaneously give then a fatal sclerosis .
7 Class-based production processes and forces are still seen as the principal key for a useful understanding .
8 The completeness of the fusion that has taken place varies greatly in different orders of insects , and indications of the original paired condition are clearly seen among the lower orders .
9 The communitarian state would provide those resources to in , in , to do what perhaps has been traditionally seen as the impossible , but it will require extensive support .
10 There are , for example , subsidies in the form of grants and , until 1988 , tax advantages available to individuals willing to invest in forestry and which are often seen as the major impetus to afforestation and reforestation with little regard to the environmental consequences .
11 Expert systems technology should be also seen as the integrating vehicle of those four generations with the operations systems that are used today in the aviation world .
12 Thus , the difference between the effects of Alcoholism ( the disease ) and alcohol ( the drug ) can be clearly seen in the Dry Drunk Syndrome .
13 In January 1990 tense relations between the Justice Ministry and the warders ' unions , as well as low staff morale , were widely seen as the indirect cause of a series of 28 prison escapes in six weeks .
14 The 1900s were also to see for the first time deaf women beginning to acquire their own identity through achievement by their own talent although not one as yet played any prominent part in deaf organisations which remained the preserve of the deaf male .
15 What we seek is school management which more fully reflects this diversity of opinion , rather than what is widely seen as the inflexible dogma of the current approach .
16 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
17 If power is a capacity to affect behaviour then influence is generally seen as the actual behaviour resulting from that capacity to affect .
18 Simple denial is when the problem is not seen in the first place , regardless of responsibility or resources .
19 The constitution is not seen in the rosy terms set down in Chapter 1 , but neither is democracy seen in the new gloomy terms set down in Chapters 2 and 3 .
20 This is easily seen in the mundane example of housework , which can not be done by making sporadic once-off assaults on it , but needs constant attention .
21 Offshore , the limited well data show coal developments in the Westphalian A and B although only the lower part of the Westphalian B sequence is usually seen on the extreme edge of the basin .
22 In some organizations it is still seen as the junior partner to sales , in others it has an equal status , in yet others it has a superior status .
23 The police is still seen as the first line of defence , but in recent years there has been increased co-operation between the police and the military , as in the joint exercises conducted at Heathrow in preparation for possible terrorist incidents .
24 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
25 The nature of these conventions as a codification of existing general principles of customary international law is clearly seen in the general Hague Conventions on the Laws and Customs of War on Land , the Convention II of 1899 , revised in Convention IV of 1907 .
26 The increase in hydrocarbon-generating capacity is clearly seen in the reconstructed cumulative hydrocarbon yield ( Fig. 8 ) .
27 Madrid is also seen as the right venue for other reasons .
28 We now show that this effect is also seen in the transcriptional level , that IFN γ binds to colonic epithelial cells , and that this binding is reduced in the presence of salicylates .
29 That quality is also seen in the Christian Dior sections which the manufacturer operates in nine of the larger House of Fraser stores .
30 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
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