Example sentences of "[be] [adv] go [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
2 ‘ We inhabitants of the post-historical world ’ , he trumpets , ‘ will have to keep in mind that the truly fundamental transformation in world politics are not going on in a desolate Middle Eastern desert , but back in cette vielle Europe which was the cradle of the idea of human freedom ’ .
3 They are not going in at the moment but that does n't worry me because he is a smashing lad doing the right things again .
4 Sure , they are soon going off into the night , their lights flickering and fading , but it will be with dignity .
5 ‘ We 're only going away for a weekend , for heaven 's sake !
6 Cos we 're only going away for a weekend then are n't we ?
7 ‘ We 're just going through to the hall , ’ said Dominic .
8 You 're not going straight after the reception are you dad ?
9 You 're not going upstairs in a mess like that , you 'll stick your hands on everything you come to .
10 You 're not going back for a month ?
11 Or if you 're not going back to the hospital , it will be sent to you by post .
12 Yeah we 're not going back to the underpass do
13 You 're not going back in the family business , are you , Floyd ? ’
14 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
15 Well you 're not going out on the razzle dazzle .
16 ‘ No you 're not going out to the cinema tonight .
17 In fact , knew it for certain when , ‘ Since you 're not going anywhere for a while , perhaps you 'd like to take a seat now , ’ he suggested .
18 ‘ You 're not going anywhere near the Queen , ’ he interrupted with brutal finality .
19 That 's very interesting because we 're always going back to the earlier comment that , perhaps people like scientists , like sociologists are intelligent , but not in touch .
20 An' we 're both goin' out in a blaze of glory ! ’
21 I think I must have been gradually going off into a faint when I suddenly thought of mother reading the telegram saying that I had been killed in action .
22 Investigations are also going on into the state holding company , Corfo , the housing ministry and a state-owned bank where new officials have uncovered high-handed property transfers and loans made either to the army as an institution or to individual officers .
23 I am now going back to the name ‘ Centurion Coins ’ which many customers will know from years past .
24 He went to Redbridge Forest , who merged with Diadora League Dagenham , and are now going well in the GM Vauxhall Conference .
25 Whether Polaris is credible is a moot point , but we are now going ahead with the expenditure of £10,000 million on Trident .
26 I 'm not going on with the lecture if they 're going to play their childish little games in here . ’
27 ‘ But I 'm not going anywhere near the sea . ’
28 I 'm not going anywhere near the Moors .
29 She 's getting a gun out and she goes I 'm not going out without a fight .
30 But I 'm not going out with a bloody cold like this !
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