Example sentences of "[be] [adv] go [verb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 Here , I can only think that he was saying , ‘ well , we do n't know that there 's the full authority of the city council in this view ’ , but erm I 'm not going to put up a defence , I just think that what we do is basically stress from yourself and from the chief officer that we do want this file known .
2 I 'm now going to read out a number of interests .
3 ‘ George they are n't going to find out a thing if we do n't tip them off .
4 I suspect that some of the drug barons who shell out money in support of what must be a pretty costly operation regard the academically-minded staff of the OHE as a bunch of eggheads , not to say ‘ wets ’ , who ought to be earning their keep by polishing up the industry 's somewhat tarnished image , and by encouraging sales , instead of spending their time and the companies ' profits on airy-fairy projects which are n't going to rustle up a pennyworth of business .
5 The commission is now going to set up a special working group to look at the problem .
6 I still kept the idea of being a lawyer through studying at night school , but , after a short while I decided I was really going to follow up a boxing career .
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