Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 I mean , they 're not out of the way .
2 We 're too out of the way for mains electricity . ’
3 For your own good , at least for the next year or so , I think you 'd be best out of the way .
4 This was highly unusual , since most golfers prefer their caddies to be well out of the way for such crucial short putts .
5 He may be safely out of the way again now , but a lot of decent people have no safety and no homes . ’
6 Sneaking in here when the shop 's closed and I 'm safely out of the way in the parlour ?
7 The new industrial centres were , in fact , quite small at first , and as they were mainly out of the way in unfashionable parts of the country , many people ignored them completely ; one or two distinguished men even had the impression that the population was declining .
8 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
9 Fishbane 's bedroom is somewhat out of the way and near the lift , so that the ladies can be discreetly smuggled up there by Ramsbum .
10 But this is up out of the way !
11 The answer is partly that the vote in Rhineland-Palatinate , which lies just below Bonn , is now out of the way ; partly that he may regain some of his lost esteem in eastern Germany , where voters are heavily for Berlin ; but not least that Mr Kohl has almost always come back fighting after getting a slap in the face .
12 If Ewen does come back , he 'll see the tent , and if he thinks that ‘ Parsons ’ is safely out of the way , then whatever his interest is in the house , he 'll no doubt show it .
13 Now that Peter is safely out of the way … now that you 've reassessed the potential of Rocamar ! ’
14 It was inconveniently out of the way if you did n't have your own transport .
15 It had the additional advantage that it was well out of the way of prying headquarters staff and was being established as a forward base for the LRDG .
16 However , he was quite correct in assuming she would not contact the person who had phoned her until she was sure he was well out of the way , so she set to work in sorting out the various tasks to be done .
17 So I 'd have thought three thousand was n't out of the way really .
18 On the one occasion when they did , in the run-up to the 1935 Election , it was — as we shall see — the peace movement that was agitating for a policy of resistance to aggression , and the Government that was forced by public opinion to suspend its deeply unpopular policy of appeasement — until the Election was safely out of the way .
19 And then , when Pete McCarthy was safely out of the way , she opened the book , and the book spoke to her .
20 Wept over it a little whenever her mother was safely out of the way .
21 Agnes kicked it across the garden and it ran off yelping into the dunes , only reappearing once Agnes was safely out of the way , confined to bed .
22 Her first instinct was to turn and walk straight back to the changing-rooms ; after all , had n't she come here at the one time when she 'd thought David Markham was safely out of the way ?
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