Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , in modern society , our ‘ own ’ are rarely living in the same town or even in the same county as us , which makes the ideal situation very difficult to achieve .
2 Norway is a particularly interesting example where they saw a rocketing rate of smoking amongst adolescents they introduced a smoking ban , er an an advertising ban , and in fact , it 's reversed and they , they 're youngsters are not smoking at the same rate as as they were .
3 He said : ‘ Leeds are not playing with the same confidence as when they won the title .
4 The UK accounts for almost half group turnover , and the European operations , mainly France and Germany ‘ are not suffering in the same way as the UK , ’ Mr Stephens said .
5 I feel it 's taxpayers money being wasted yet again , because they 're just going over the same ground .
6 Comparing the performance of a 100-metre sprinter to that of a 1,5000-metre runner is a mistake ; they 're not running in the same category , but they 're both admirable .
7 ‘ We 're not talking about the same girl . ’
8 Honda is also producing its own version with a different body design and they 're both aiming at the same end of the market .
9 Now they 're both playing on the same team , integrated into large multinational , multi-media entertainment corporations .
10 July the first more members er in , in , in local authorities than er than we 've got in the whole of our union right and we 've got twenty five per cent of our membership in , in local authorities and we 're getting hammered and we 're also getting at the same time privatization , we 're seeing local authorities being broken up and we 're seeing a creation of large numbers of employers .
11 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
12 The previous act was in nineteen seventy , and indeed it was called ‘ The Handicapped Children Act ’ , but this year , in fact at the end of this year , there was a new act passed ‘ The Education Act of Nineteen Eighty One ’ , which refers to children with special educational needs , so we 're really dealing with the same group , but describing them somewhat differently .
13 If they build traditional houses , we 're then talking about the same amount .
14 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates reportedly came up with an ingenious solution when he was romancing venture capitalist Ann Winblad : observing that the same movies are usually playing at the same time all over America , they came up with the Virtual Date — they 'd each go alone to the same movie at the same time , and discuss it afterwards on their car phones .
15 So if your relationship breaks down you can not be charged each other 's Poll Tax bills , even if you are still living in the same house .
16 Again we assume that we are still talking about the same man , that he has returned home to the location where the ‘ living room ’ we first met was located .
17 First , you will want to define the problem for yourself , but later it is equally essential to define the problem at the actual negotiation — we might as well check that we are both talking about the same problem !
18 When making a contract be sure that you are both talking about the same thing .
19 The Scots were meanwhile retreating along the same route by which they had advanced , but to a very different reception .
20 The Troop Commander thought that they were probably flying round the same small area in a patch of strong sunlight to keep warm ; the Troop Staff Sergeant opined that there was probably something nasty buried beneath the carpet of dead leaves .
21 Yeah , and we were prefects then Nick , we had our own rooms , we were n't sleeping in the same bed or anything , you know ,
22 Emily bit her lip , the girl was obviously in touch with Craig , perhaps they were even living in the same house .
23 Although Attlee and Greenwood were ready to accept the invitation , they did not do so at once but made sure that both the National Executive and the annual Conference , which were conveniently meeting at the same time , it being the Whit weekend , were fully consulted and in agreement with their acceptance of office .
24 Heads of different divisions may informally set their own plan which is not moving in the same direction as the handed down plan to which they pay lip service .
25 In this case what keeps them apart is not belonging to the same sex , rather , it is simply a condition of life that in no human relationship can two persons ‘ fuse ’ into one .
26 Many professionals within the Lloyd 's market welcome the current crop of departures as there is an excess of financial capacity within the market at a time when business is not growing at the same rate as the available capacity .
27 As the hull value of 707s , 727s , DC-8s and their ilk falls , their support costs — engines , systems , airport facilities etc , is not decreasing at the same rate .
28 The only thing that was different is that , that it 's not starting on the same
29 The normal expectation in the construction and interpretation of discourse is , as Grice suggests , that relevance holds , that the speaker is still speaking of the same place and time , participants and topic , unless he marks a change and shows explicitly whether the changed context is , or is not , relevant to what he has been saying previously .
30 ‘ An Englishman named Woodhouse introduced winemaking to the town in 1773 , and his firm is still operating from the same premises .
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