Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [det] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However there are much more data on incest in western societies , where the sexual abuse of children is becoming recognised as a social problem .
2 That is why there are so many books on management published and that is why I have read practically all of them .
3 Parking — is strictly limited in the vicinity , there are often some spaces on site for people who need easy access .
4 But I 'm not that guy on TV .
5 In such a mood it is inevitable that the Government 's attempts to bring about change through legislation and increased prescription will be generally felt to be yet another attack on autonomy and yet another indication of a lack of trust in teachers ' judgement and their ability to do a good job .
6 There were already several texts on anatomy , the most famous being Elements of Descriptive and Practical Anatomy ( 1828 ) by James Quain [ q.v . ] .
7 Although it was one of the train 's first stops and there were never many passengers on board , the people waiting at Raxaul always crammed around the doors , clambering up and forcing themselves in .
8 Father God , We pray for those who are sick or sad , especially at this holiday period when there is so much stress on celebration and jubilation .
9 During the final campaign , voters hardly need such contrived devices as PEBs to find out about the issues and personalities in party debate ‘ but during the mid-term there is so much concentration on government actions and personalities that PPBs play a much more significant role in publicizing opposition policies and personalities .
10 In fact , there 's so much bonding on stage that it would make the average punter slightly sick .
11 erm It may be that in certain places there 's so much pressure on land from the people that there 's not a lot they can do .
12 As they know the prescribing GP or practice , the pricing office can also check how much individual GPs or practices are spending — important now so there 's so much attention on doctor 's spending .
13 Is not that comment on security even more staggering than the bombs that go off in the city , although all such bombings are to be condemned and deplored ?
14 There is not enough air on earth for me to breathe : my love is consuming all the oxygen in heaven .
15 If you prefer the individual icons to be displayed but there is not enough room on screen , remember that the Windows desktop is far greater than the size of the screen .
16 In addition , the ending of the Iran/Iraq conflict has meant that there is now more oil on world markets and the price of oil has tended to fall over the last few months .
17 We do n't ! ) to bankable star is out this month on video via Guild .
18 There is relatively less emphasis on contact with relatives and relatively more on choosing , making , and keeping friends , often from a fairly wide geographical area and not just from the neighbourhood or street .
19 So the maximum value a coeffic correlation coefficient can obtain is plus one , and that would be when there 's a total positive correlation Conversely , the minimum value it can obtain is when this expression on top is minus N minus one , so it goes down to minus one for a complete negative correlation and it 's zero if there 's no correlation and then there 's the values in between That 's just saying what I 've said .
20 It is yet another attack on trade unions .
21 There is too much emphasis on personality in modern-day profit management .
22 Practitioners , it is claimed , have their heads filled with jargon and are no longer adequately prepared for the ‘ real world ’ ; the ‘ contributory disciplines ’ do not contribute much ; there is too much emphasis on analysis , not enough on decisions , relevance , etc .
23 bringing it into July or are too many people on holiday in July ?
24 Generally there are too many bodies on stage and it may be your job to thin them out .
25 There was thus some impact on discrimination .
26 There was an immediate impact on costs , half of which are measured in overseas currencies , whereas there was relatively little effect on revenue , much of which is booked in advance .
27 A trip to the vet had proved otherwise , but it was yet another worry on top of all the others .
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