Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Beliefs are not conjured up out of nothing but are rather a response to experience .
2 Oh , we 're talking about sixth forms , Bill , and we 're talking about all schools which have sixth forms and you 're conscious that there are rather a lot of schools with sixth forms in the county and who will feel that it is a significant change .
3 And there are rather a lot of photographs of one particular consultant obstetrician gynaecologist , Yehudi Gordon .
4 They are not there apart from an observer , they are rather the tendency of objects to produce certain sensations in one .
5 But asking bureaucrats to try to separate out the factual premises of decisions from the ethical premises which are properly the reserve of politicians is still desirable .
6 It seems to me that formulation of the precise grounds upon which overpayments of tax ought to be recoverable and of any exceptions to the right of recovery , may involve nice considerations of policy which are properly the province of Parliament and are not suitable for consideration by the courts .
7 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
8 Possums are mostly an annoyance for co-workers , who learn not to rely on them .
9 This would avoid civil actions , which are often defeated because individual victims , even when they decide to act co-operatively , are rarely a match for corporations who decide it is better to be prudent than just .
10 There had been rather a lot of funerals at Low Birk Hatt and they were n't inexpensive .
11 And that the business has been predominantly the nature of business has been predominantly manufacturing .
12 For centuries the practice of philosophy has been overwhelmingly the prerogative of men but it is only recently that feminist analysis has made it possible to see the distorting effect of this historical fact .
13 Wars between nations , he suggests , are wholly a product of people 's territorial natures .
14 Yes , I mean , I feel very strongly in terms of women 's rights , but I think there are obviously a lot of differences between women and you ca n't generalize women , the same as you ca n't generalize individual personalities traits on for men .
15 From there it had been only a matter of time until he was given his own prison .
16 I have n't been down the Roman for ages .
17 Apples are basically a mixture of water , sugar , dietary fibre and little else .
18 The nationalized industries are basically the part of government production that covers the provision of private goods for sale through the market place .
19 Firstly TBDFs are basically an extension across borders of a phenomenon which in the 1980S expanded dramatically at national level .
20 I am all the way in Singapore .
21 Post-1945 world politics have been basically the politics of revolution and counter-revolution , with national issues intervening only to underline or disturb the main theme .
22 They recognize also that we are together the body of Christ in the world , I hear them saying so now .
23 I must try to remember , Celia said to herself , that I am only a statistic to Dr Shalcross , possibly a case history she might wish to quote , anonymously , because I do n't happen to run true to form .
24 I am only the Prince of Cordia . ’
25 First of all it had been merely a sense of unease , an occasional visitor .
26 Any tenderness between the two of them would be a sham as far as he was concerned , merely serving to emphasise the absence of love , and perhaps like her he felt that a relationship characterised by so much other feeling ought to be loving as well , that the depth of desire he felt for her should have been merely a facet of love instead of the whole .
27 This motivated dealers more than a previously introduced incentive to sell PEPS which had been merely an increase in dealers ' OTC takeback allowance .
28 In all this , there are perhaps a couple of things which look plausible when we compare the philosopher 's child with our mental picture ; Aristotle 's observation that children are immature and Mill 's suggestion that they might need protection .
29 But Cousins stresses they are only a part of community care .
30 No there are the side effects are only a quarter of people have those
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