Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [art] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hospices are clearly an improvement on hospital wards .
2 Well somebody had cleaned all sink cos sink were there were n't a mark on sink when I went today .
3 If there is no restriction on CS gas or plastic bullets ( and by November 1987 , twenty forces had been issued with plastic bullets ) , there is presumably no restriction on water cannon and live ammunition .
4 This is not a treatise on geology , biology , or any other science .
5 It was significant that Mr Lamont had looked further ahead than is usually the case on Budget day , said Professor Sherer .
6 But he is still a leader on trial .
7 Nevertheless , as the very name reveals , there is still an emphasis on appearance rather than on logical form .
8 War is pre-eminently an outrage on motherhood and all that motherhood means ; the destruction of life and the breaking-up of homes is the undoing of women 's work as life-givers and home-makers .
9 It is purely a prohibition on use — not on possession — and in view of the reservations made by states parties it can be viewed as little more than a ‘ no first use ’ pact .
10 Our individual morality is particularly a section on morality , and that 's what concerns us .
11 It is quite a commitment on behalf of the owner .
12 In this sense there is always a connection between value-standpoints and sociology , for it is when the focus on unhappiness , and its reduction , is lost that social scientists lose their way and become trapped in pseudo-scientific thinking .
13 Moreover , with a variety of acoustic transducers in use there is yet no agreement on performance characteristics : different microphones can produce different acoustic signals , and these need to be standardised .
14 We 're actually re t talking about reducing the access to justice because if w if these proposals go through , your access to justice will depend on the size of your wallet and it is actually a restriction on liberty .
15 And we 've now reached a situation in which there 's something over twenty percent of our streets is multiple occupation , erm and this is noise and other activities in relation to that are the things that cause the sort of low level of concern , and this was just the peak on top of that of major aggravation .
16 Last year there was also a talk on Nutrition , and this year we shall be hearing about ‘ Hellerwork ’ from a Medau Teachers who is also a Hellerwork practitioner .
17 There was also a tower on top of the aqueduct that dominated the approach to the Lateran palace — in the hands of a great Roman family , the Annibaldi — which Innocent ordered to be removed .
18 Horne 's qualifications for this post were his own skills as bookbinder , architect , and designer ; he was also an authority on furniture and antique musical instruments , as well as a connoisseur of music-hall .
19 When " comprehension moves " were made they were most frequently noted at the end of a read , although there was often no follow-up on understanding text at all .
20 There was almost no money on course for the horse and the only serious cash , about £1,000 in a series of small bets , was placed in the Bradford area .
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