Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have n't been in for quite a while .
2 He loves you , he 's a good bloke , you 've been together for over a year .
3 There 's just one thing : what happens to band who 've been together for virtually a decade ?
4 And then again , if I 've been shut away in the Prison of Hostages , I expect I 've been away for quite a time .
5 We are already at quite a distance from the original simple idea of government by the people .
6 He 's been out for nearly a week .
7 The first time you use your Steamatic in the bathroom you could be in for quite a surprise .
8 Meanwhile , those officials in the finance ministry and the Bank of Japan who still equate a strong yen with a strong economy may be in for quite a shock .
9 ‘ She 'll be in for quite a shock on her wedding night , poor little kid . ’
10 He himself would be away for nearly a month : already his appointment diary for his time in the States was crammed .
11 ‘ But you must realise that Stella could be away for quite a period — especially if her appendix is to be removed . ’
12 ‘ I anticipate that my husband will be home in about an hour . ’
13 In fact , the new long player has already been perched at number one in the UK album charts , and it could be around for quite a while .
14 Caitlin will be here in about an hour .
15 I know and like on Thursday yeah I mean we 're gon na be there for about an hour and a half probably yeah , and I wan na go home and I wan na drop my bag off and I wan na change my clothes and that 's gon na be like seven o'clock or eight o'clock like cos I wan na come round to band practice tomorrow and I wo n't get there until bloody eight o'clock and miss half my bloody weekend .
16 ‘ We 'll be there in about an hour or so , ’ Guido told her , as Ronni sat by his side stiffly , staring out the window .
17 I 've been here for nearly a year now . ’
18 I have now been here for over a week , and am beginning to get into the swing of things .
19 I 've been here for about a week now . ’
20 Your fax has been here for about a week now , I 'll bring it down for you .
21 I 'm sure that Rex Bellamy wo n't mind me saying that in tennis terms at least , he 's been around for quite a while .
22 UTOPIA : It 's been around for quite a time .
23 He had been there at least a week , a stain of blood spreading out from his face across the bottom mattress , his shattered body preserved by the freezing February weather .
24 And sad things like children falling into fires and because in the mud huts you have the fire in the centre of the hut and it 's quite easy for the children to fall in and there was one little boy there who had been there for over a year and they kept trying to erm heal up all his skin wounds .
25 Assuming the car had gone missing at the same ti me as Angela Morgan , it might have been there for over a week ; it had only been found that evening by a uniformed constable who was keeping his eyes open .
26 Yeah , it 's been there for quite a while .
27 There may , however , have been a diminution in tribute and revenues from possibly less securely held border regions and it would be surprising if the political problems of this period were not at least a factor in what has been called a ‘ drastic economic collapse ’
28 ‘ You said you were here for just a week ? ’
29 Yeah , oh , it 's down to about a quarter of normal it is
30 We have no wish to threaten Transworld , or indeed anyone else , but if Arrow 's number two position in Alex Hamilton 's Guardian analysis of 1992 's top paperback sellers to Corgi 's number one slot is not at least a challenge to them then I can think of now other way of restoring Sarah 's belief in her own foresight .
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