Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] than [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that the problem is proving to be more intractable than even the most cynical Democrats had feared .
2 But Caterham 's independence does enable it to be more adventurous than perhaps a large parent would allow .
3 At the lower end of the scale the items may be far shoddier than even the cheapest village or nomadic rug ; at the higher end , one can find work of the most outstanding calibre and sophistication .
4 They comprise some 21 per cent of rural housing stock on average , and Shucksmith ( 1981 ) indicates that , during 1968–73 in England and Wales there were usually more than double the number of local authority houses being built per 1,000 population in urban than in rural districts .
5 The Latvians had fascists who were more vicious than even the Germans .
6 Further , his total avoidance of arianism is held to have made him more acceptable to the catholic Gallo-Romans , than were the other kings of his generation , and to have helped ensure that the Franks were more successful than either the Burgundians or the Visigoths .
7 Jane Austen is less descriptive than either the Gothic novelists or Scott , for although her letters are full of domestic detail and she enjoins her sister , Cassandra , to omit nothing in her account of a house — ‘ For one 's own dear self , one ascertains & remembers everything ’ — novels are not written for ‘ one 's own dear self ’ , and she was not one to inflict what she did not enjoy — ‘ your descriptions are often more minute than will be liked ’ , she warns her niece , Anna Austen , an aspiring writer .
8 What is much better than just the security levels is the User Definable menus .
9 Our country , as a nation , has a spirit and will — it is much bigger than merely the mechanisms of markets .
10 Waller believes it is more complex than just a huge shift of opinion on the day .
11 It is clear , therefore , that the 70 or so institutions which call themselves colleges or institutes of higher education comprise a sector of higher education which is more diverse than either the universities or polytechnics .
12 Sociology , as a social science , is more than just a collection of empirical findings and is also more than just a set of speculative armchair ‘ theories ’ .
13 It 's far more than just a place to drink ; it 's the social and conversational heart of any Irish village .
14 Declared expenditure on defence and security is now more than double the expenditure on health .
15 Suddenly , after battling all season with Manchester City for third place in the First Division , the Wednesday player-manager finds that finishing second is now more than just a pipe dream .
16 There are also studies from Malaysia , which are illustrative of the effects of logging practices in tropical regions in general , which show that the destructive effect is far greater than just the removal of trees .
17 His view that letting children run in and out of busy airports smartly avoiding the traffic is perfectly reasonable depends upon a conception of a child which is far narrower than even the sex divide .
18 In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry .
19 But OALD is far more than just a dictionary .
20 But Seefeld is far more than just a place to swing your mashie niblick .
21 It is far more than just an accidental entrance to your home .
22 That a figure with such a subversive reputation as Morrison can be a fit subject for an extremely posh , photo-laden book is maybe more than just a little embarrassing .
23 Even 17.8 per cent , however , was still more than double the growth of average earnings over that period .
24 Thereafter , however , their share increased steadily until by 1850 this market was more important than either the European or North American market , in both of which home cotton manufacture had become significant .
25 Now that I 'd definitely decided to welcome the baby , I 'd have to start planning with a bit more efficiency than in the past , when , so far as one could see , I had been working vaguely on the basis that God would provide ; and why the hell He should in a case like this was probably more than even the most devout believer could have told me .
26 But such an identification was probably more than merely an exercise in wish-fulfilment by the ego on behalf of the id .
27 Chief Inspector was slightly more than just a copper , Meredith thought wryly , amused at his apparent self abasement .
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