Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] as an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
2 This has been widely seen as an area where employment can be created and economic vitality encouraged .
3 The abolition of compulsory service for the nobility ( 1762 ) appears to have been widely read as an indication that freedom for serfs would follow shortly .
4 The presence of Thalassiothrix in Neogene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific has been widely used as an indicator of significant upwelling and high primary production .
5 THE PROCESS of viral infection has been aptly described as an act of hijack .
6 Salami are best served as an antipasto , in sandwiches , with salads or eaten with a little cheese and fresh crusty bread .
7 Herbal cigarettes are not recommended as an aid to giving up smoking because they contain both tar and carbon monoxide .
8 Gardner-Medwin proposed screening 18 month old boys who are not walking as an approach to the problem of delayed diagnosis .
9 Although they are often cited as an instrument of central control , their effectiveness is difficult to determine because individual local authorities- and sometimes even different departments within the same authority — react differently to them .
10 Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation , a view reinforced by the high gold price during the inflationary years of the 1970s and 1980s .
11 Many gardeners — and visitors — are getting younger , partly because of the current ecological obsession and also because gardens are often seen as an extension of the living room .
12 The 144 cells are now used as an overspill for Wormwood Scrubs .
13 Now , in a very real sense socialisation can only be properly understood as an aspect of all activity within human societies .
14 Physical sports would probably be widely accepted as an exception to restrictive rules on consent , but two points must be borne in mind .
15 The search for the nature of the distinctively gay sensibility can be productively redirected as an exploration of the limitations of the aesthetic as conventionally understood , especially the way it is said to transcend the socio-political , and used in support of the proposition that discrimination is the essence of culture .
16 Thirdly , it has a textual function : it must be well constructed as an utterance or text , so as to serve the decoding needs of the hearer .
17 On 10 December 1939 he remarked ominously that Andre Chamson had informed him that " a storm was brewing in Aragon 's mind " By 5 February 1940 , in the grip of a persecution complex , he was voicing fears that his resignation from the party would be publicly perceived as an act of treachery that had finally laid bare his " inner soul " .
18 Ideally there will be no defections from the allied coalition , and only Iraq will be actively engaged as an enemy force .
19 Germany 's universal banks , which often take equity stakes in industrial companies , are frequently cited as an example of how finance and industry can enjoy a longer-term , more constructive , relationship .
20 He has been particularly praised as an exponent of the French repertoire and plays regularly for Radio France and in French concert halls .
21 Apart from these important changes , specialized antiracist work within the local state has been increasingly identified as an embarrassment by the Labour Party for whom political commitments to antiracism and multiculturalism are apparently a vote loser .
22 The morning after the ark is put in Dagon 's temple , they discover the figure of their great god sprawled on the floor , his face to the ground , in what would have been readily seen as an attitude of worship .
23 Cartoons are sometimes criticised as an invitation to anachronistic interpretation but provided they are used selectively they too can enable a wider range of pupils to access information .
24 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
25 Erm , if the move on the was psychoanalytic issue , er despite the book being generally regarded as an embarrassment to psychoanalytic , is somewhat non .
26 The British Isles were still valued as an emergency base .
27 A good , old-fashioned keep-fit session seems much healthier than Hindu-inspired life-force exercises which were originally designed as an act of worship to thousands of eastern gods .
28 The orthodox gave the latter term a pejorative sense ; the apocryphal texts were correctly seen as an attempt to replace the books accepted by the mainstream communities and included in their church lectionary as authentic representatives of the apostolic tradition of faith .
29 Nowadays , especially in Spain , Basque is being defiantly flaunted as an alternative to the national language ; but in France it is at risk , spoken at home by Basque families but discouraged in schools , as a lesser , marginal language likely to hold its speakers back economically .
30 How they were used is not generally agreed upon , for , whilst the obverse of some of these cards — ‘ shopkeepers ' bills ’ as they were known by the eighteenth-century tradesmen — were sometimes utilized as an invoice to the purchaser , the majority surviving in public and private collections were not .
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