Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] the same " in BNC.

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1 The big advantage we 've got over bands from the '60s and '70s is we can look back and see the exact point at which they all turned shit — and we 're not going to make the same mistake ! ’
2 Alright , logging the data does n't change the nature of the data , what it does do is that it re-scales the data , okay so the only thing that 's , that 's , that 's changed by logging , right , is the scale of the cr is the vertical scale on the graph , right , but essentially we are still trying to model the same series and N T C is essentially the same series as T C.
3 Hundreds more are now planning to do the same .
4 Managers would be well advised to do the same , for otherwise they will be blind to many of the causal forces at work .
5 She was a little uneasy with the letter H and put it in other words , which was confusing ; ‘ hungry ’ and ‘ angry ’ were often made to sound the same .
6 ‘ I thought you were n't going to make the same mistake again . ’
7 Briefing reporters at the control headquarters for the Zarb- e-Momin exercises near Sargodha , he said the army ‘ is not going to repeat the same history again ’ .
8 She is not going to make the same mistake Jimmy Carter 's First Lady Rosalyn did .
9 It may be that the target reader of the German translation is not envisaged to have the same familiarity with or interest in the ceramics industry as the prospective readers of the English version .
10 However , industry is not required to do the same thing .
11 He is still trying to sail the same course but the boat is just sliding sideways across the water .
12 A new wave of black British talent is now threatening to do the same — breaking out of a burgeoning club circuit and gearing up to colonise the nation 's TV sets
13 As I say the present day er premier just now is actually trying to do the same thing as a repeat performance
14 I was a better investment than my sister , because I passed the eleven-plus , went to grammar school , would get a good job ( university was later seen to offer the same arena of advantages ) , marry a man who would , as she said , buy " me a house , and you a house .
15 I was n't going to make the same mistake as my parents , forever denying themselves what they wanted now so that they could look forward to their retirement with complete peace of mind .
16 Also it was oddly reassuring to recognise the same issues of non-participation , official steam-rollering , and apathy in case studies from Scotland and Appalachia .
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