Example sentences of "[be] [pron] you [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 then the eyes would be something you 'd also confront at the beginning but they 're equally important for the fox actually walking are n't they ?
2 Only about a third of them has to be what you 'd really call meat , and quite a lot of them had an enormous amount of fat in them .
3 I just cos when I see children like that and you know there 's nothing you can really do for them , you ca n't make up for the fact that they 've got a rotten home life and that 's top and bottom line that 's what it is !
4 So , since there 's nothing you can usefully do at the moment , you 'd better go and lie down . ’
5 Besides , ’ his face was set and hard , ‘ I do n't suppose this trip is something you 'll particularly want to remember . ’
6 However , if there is something you would especially like to see , please phone to be sure it will be happening on the day of your visit .
7 Happily , however , it 's one you can easily avoid by talking to BSB today .
8 ‘ I guess that 's something you 'll just have to wait and see . ’
9 If it 's got worse , why is it you 'd still like to stay ?
10 Oh , why is it you can never find the stuff when you want it ?
11 ‘ Nice body , no brain , that 's what you 'd probably say . ’
12 The policeman only stood and fought because he could n't run ; and run is what you must always do whenever knives come out .
13 Just do it that way which is what you 'd normally do , on your calculator , you 'd just do sixty times three point five .
14 We hope that you enjoy this issue and will let us know if there is anything you would particularly like to see in Today 's Horse .
15 So when the Trust acquired this house it looked nothing like this at all , er it was all there was hardly any timber showing , the only timber showing was what you can actually see now is obviously old timber .
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