Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [pron] [vb -s] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This Conservative environment may be one which encourages the development of an ordinary social life , but it is also an extraordinary environment .
2 The threat must be one which puts the victim " then and there " in fear of force .
3 For instance , we assume he would satisfy our behavioural criteria for being someone who knows the meaning of the word bank .
4 Far from Freud 's concept of the super-ego being one which assumes the super-ego to be entirely built up from outside , from social relationships with parents and educators only — as Parsons — claims — it , too , contains instinctual elements .
5 Whether in fact any such obligations have been created depends on the construction of the lease ; and there is nothing which requires the lease to be constructed in such a way as to avoid , if possible , the creation of such obligations ( Bradshaw v Pawley [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 10 , where liability for rent was held to be retrospective ) .
6 Where an order for possession is made under Ord 24 ( " summary procedure " for recovery of land occupied without licence or consent ) , r 5(4) says that there is nothing which prevents the order for possession being given on a specific date as if the proceedings had been brought by action ( r 5(3) and ( 4 ) .
7 So that 's worth bearing in mind , and how you handle it , I mean maybe the press officer makes an arrangement to facilitate the the actual contact , but the press officer , a good press officer is not a person who stops the press getting into an organization , a good press officer is somebody who facilitates the press getting into the organization in the right way and talking to the right people preferably about the right things , but if not the right things the wrong things to the right with the right people , if you understand what I 'm saying .
8 A transvestite is somebody who wears the clothes of the other sex — in our society it is considered bizarre for men to wear wimmin 's clothing , though it is now common for wimmin to wear men 's clothing .
9 And it is of the utmost importance to realise that the pragmatic answer to these questions is itself what makes the revolution never happen .
10 It 's you who has the answers now .
11 It 's you who holds the key , literally , the key to success on the court .
12 So do n't fall for it — make sure it is you who calls the tune .
13 As a Taurean , you work well with others as long as it is you who calls the shots .
14 Under the watchful eye of the teacher the children improvise their shoe shop , and probably it is she who suggests the use of shelves for the ‘ display ’ of pairs .
15 It seems that , quite contrarily , it is she who courts the male , and he who rears the chicks .
16 They too have assumed that there is something natural and self-evident about the human individual as a separate physical body , but then , in order to distinguish their own field of enquiry from that of the physical anthropologists , they have reified their special concept of culture to a point where we end up with the implicit definition : " Culture is everything which concerns the life and behaviour of human beings which is not an aspect of human nature , as the physical anthropologists perceive it . "
17 A reinforcer is something which changes the rate of occurrence of an operant .
18 Any structural change — that is one which changes the rules of the game on the basis of which bargaining takes place — would have to come from outside the system .
19 A happy medium is one which re-calculates the pages in real time but can suppress the display if required to avoid the annoyance of a constantly changing display .
20 An example of such a clause is one which says the employee is not to canvass or solicit during a period of five years from the date of the determination of this agreement for whatever reason any person , company or firm who were customers of the employer with whom he dealt during the last three years of his employment .
21 Another by-product of official strategy is one which involves the fans and the police acting in a concerted and co-operative manner .
22 The inclusion of the toy theatre is a reference to childhood memory , but it is one which lacks the comfort of Boyce 's flowered lap .
23 An order for specific performance is one which requires the seller actually to deliver the goods and does not give him the option of paying damages instead .
24 As has been argued throughout this work , the concept of culture is one which assumes the indivisibility of person and forms ( that is , with respect to material objects ) , and of being and having .
25 This would be to hold that a justified belief is one which tracks the truth .
26 A speaking decision is one which gives the reasons and calculations behind the decision , whereas a non-speaking decision does not .
27 In the Indian as in the Near Eastern traditions , the theistic structure is one which suggests the existence of a single supreme being , under whom many other divine forces may operate , but always at a lesser level to the one ‘ God ’ under whose control they ultimately stand .
28 The main consideration ought to be whether the offence is one which makes the employee unsuitable for his or her type of work or unacceptable to colleagues .
29 It is rendered particularly difficult for women who have been stereotyped , because the stereotype of women is one which precludes the exercise of active responsibility .
30 I think a more fruitful model is one which sees the role of expectancy as providing narrowed fields of options rather than firm hypotheses .
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