Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A part of your father 's gift I think you have , if you can learn not to deface it for spite because I am in the same world with you . ’
2 I could have been in the same room with the murderer back at Livingstone Manor .
3 ‘ But without doubt he was the greatest player I have been in the same side with and he helped me improve myself no end .
4 Always the three statements are in the same order with the identical first part of the sentence .
5 Delta and Epsilon are in the same field with Zeta ( 5.3 ) , which is one of a pair of faint stars .
6 All the stars of the pattern are in the same field with × 12 or lower .
7 They are in the same field with Theta ; both are spirals , though of course their forms are not visible with binoculars or small telescopes .
8 Dubhe and Merak are the Pointers to the Pole Star , and are in the same field with magnifications up to × 12 .
9 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
10 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
11 But to sit here , like one of the effeminate fools smirking over there or , worse still , like Antonini and Ferrante and the others he 'd spotted , who boasted of the conquests they made of the long-legged girls who dreamed of jewels and furs and sold themselves so easily — to sit here , to even be in the same room with such men , made him feel filthy .
12 ‘ Then there would have been bloodshed , for I tell you I could not be in the same house with them and keep my temper .
13 ‘ Of course I 'll take you , ’ Fabia replied without hesitation , and was about to add that she would be on the same flight with her when she was halted by a change in Cara 's expression .
14 Just being in the same room with him was an exquisite torment .
15 They were thrilled when they suddenly realized that not only had Tom Mix and Gloria Swanson been in the audience on opening night but were in the same room with them at the party afterwards .
16 He advocated passive resistance to laws prohibiting Quaker worship , reasoning that mortal restraints on conscience were ineffective since force ‘ can reach no further than to that which is of the same nature with it ’ .
17 It 's like the same thing with video tapes they all get buggered up .
18 With × 7 , this triangle is in the same field with Alpha .
19 ( With × 12 , the cluster is in the same field with p and q . )
20 Using × 7 , Iota is in the same field with g ( 4.3 , orange ) , l ( a Cepheid , with a range of from 3.4 to 4.8 and the unusually long period , for a Cepheid , of 35 days ) , R ( a Mira variable , with a range of from 4 to 10 and therefore easy with binoculars for part of its 309-day period ) and the red N Velorum ( 3.1 ) .
21 Theta ( 4.3 ) is in the same field with Alpha ( 4.1 ) , making up what looks like a wide pair ; Alpha is white , Theta decidedly orange .
22 Delta is in the same field with Eta ( 4.3 ) .
23 The intensely red Mira variable U Cygni is in the same field with 32 .
24 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
25 The red semi-regular variable W Orionis is in the same field with Pi&sup6 ; ( 4.5 ) — the southernmost member of a line of stars all of which , for some illogical reason , are lettered Pi .
26 It is in the same field with Sigma .
27 To find it , use Lambda and 12 Aquilæ and Eta Scuti ( 5.0 ) as guides ; M11 is in the same field with a magnification of × 12 or less .
28 The open cluster M26 is in the same field with Delta .
29 It is in the same field with Alpha ; look past the fainter star 1 Trianguli , and at about an equal distance beyond it , in the direction of Beta Andromedæ , you will see M33 as a fairly large , dim haze .
30 Using × 7 , 23 is in the same field with the little trio made up of Sigma¹ ; , Sigma² ; and Rho , all of which are around magnitude 5 .
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