Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to have [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are fortunate to have exact details of the type of education offered during this period , for in December 1817 James Moorhouse , a 13-year-old pupil at the School , wrote this letter to his Grandfather :
2 They suggest that schemas are likely to have separate effects on recognition sensitivity and response criterion bias and that these effects are confounded when researchers simply report hits and false alarms .
3 Various ‘ interest groups ’ in a conflict situation are likely to have different perspectives on the nature of the situation itself , as well as on the particular issues that create it .
4 Such changes are likely to have fundamental effects upon the way companies operate , and so consideration must be given to the impact of developments upon product-costing , cost control and investment appraisal — concepts already discussed as central to the corporate resource-allocation process .
5 It must also be right to have proper mechanisms in place to ensure that they get value for money .
6 It may be impractical to have local authorities of different sizes for each and every local public good that any locality may provide .
7 The commissioner quotes the Environmental Assessment ( Salmon Farming in Marine Waters ) Regulations of 1988 , which says that ‘ a proposed development shall only be taken to be likely to have significant effects on the environment … where the Crown Estates Commissioners consider that this is the case . ’
8 The CEGB and other official agencies have regularly pointed out that the public may not be happy to have giant structures in areas of scenic beauty .
9 If expense must be curtailed , then it is probably better to have a plentiful supply ( at least 100 ) of two or three sorts rather than a small quantity of many ; it can be exasperating to have insufficient blocks of a kind to complete a construction .
10 The Elves were content to have powerful allies in the Old World .
11 In Spain , governments have been keenly aware of RENFE 's position as the model whose pay and conditions were likely to have major repercussions for other firms throughout the economy .
12 They were pleased to have new clothes of their own and had enjoyed the company and the attention they 'd received . ’
13 Why has it been necessary to have endless debates about developing phase 2 of Kilroot as an oil or coal-burning plant , which is the expensive and the dirty option ?
14 Each of them is free to have casual encounters outside the strong arms of their love .
15 Carbohydrate-based drugs fall into several categories including polysaccharides , oligosaccharides , monosaccharide derivatives and cyclodextrins , and each category is likely to have distinct applications including anti-viral , anti-bacterial and anti-thrombotic uses in various cardiovascular applications .
16 The technique is likely to have other applications in the electronics industry .
17 This is , again , a decisive change in the genre in our time and one which is likely to have lasting effects on it .
18 The treatment of public disorder in a serious documentary on a public television service is likely to have different preoccupations from the main news bulletin on the same channel .
19 The conventional form is generally convenient ; it is useful to have equal eigenvalues in groups and to the use superdiagonal ; but in particular cases it may be well to use a nonzero quantity other than a unit in the superdiagonal .
20 It is important to have good relationships within the business . ’
21 Although I accept that people can be both highly qualified and evil , does my right hon. Friend agree that it is important to have adequate numbers of properly trained staff in such homes ?
22 These effects are apparent in a temperate country like Britain : in arid and semiarid areas where groundwater is a major or only source of water , such as the Sahel , it is essential to have adequate estimates of recharge .
23 It is desirable to have conventional procedures like legislation and precedent so that people may rely on whatever decisions are actually reached through these procedures .
24 Except that in the capital city of Palestine , a city covered with soldiers , it was possible to have Arab riots in which six Jews were slain and no soldiers around to prevent it .
25 Naval officers required a patron at three times in their career , and it was useful to have powerful friends at all times in order to secure seagoing appointments .
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