Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Make the most of British pork because prices are low for the time of year .
2 Some witnesses are unavailable at the time of trial .
3 If the tests are negative at the time of the initial examination , it is quite a good idea to ask the doctor whether he thinks there is likely to be any infection present or what he believes your symptoms are due to .
4 ‘ She would have been fourteen at the time of the Opet festival . ’
5 the amount insured for household contents and valuables and portable possessions are inadequate at the time of any loss or damage or
6 the amount insured for household contents and valuables and portable possessions are inadequate at the time of any loss or damage or
7 Strip examination revealed that this was the result of slight corrosion on the contacts , and the evidence suggested that this may well have been present at the time of the accident .
8 ( One even refused to stand down although he would have been seventy-six at the time of the next election . )
9 If you are alone at the time of death
10 In the USA , it has been found that the life-expectancy of people with AIDS is reduced in drug-users , women , black and Hispanic people , and those who are older at the time of diagnosis .
11 The pope acknowledges Oswiu 's conversion to orthodoxy and the Roman Easter , thanks him for the gifts he has sent but grieves that the bearer of these gifts had died in Rome , and regrets that he has not been able at the time of writing to find someone suitable to send as Wigheard 's replacement .
12 The survey indicates that sales volumes are up , but they still remain below what retailers would consider to be normal for the time of year . ’
13 However , there are difficulties with latent defects , for example , characteristics not known to be harmful at the time of delivery , or immunities to harmful substances being subsequently discovered .
14 Teenage mothers are more likely than older mothers to have an unstable family background , to have poor or no educational qualifications , and to be unemployed at the time of conception ( Wells , 1983 ) .
15 Of the 30,000 Iraqi troops estimated still to be combat-effective at the time of the allied suspension of military action , most were Republican Guard formations .
16 The Australian High Court delivered a key ruling on June 3 on the issue of Aboriginal land rights , by effectively overturning the notion of terra nullius — the concept that had deemed the Australian continent to be unoccupied at the time of European settlement in the 18th century .
17 Unless subsequently agreed in writing , the charges relating to booking shall be those expected to be current at the time of the conference .
18 First , the benefit attributable to the patent must be shown to be current at the time of the employee 's application ; the prospect of future benefits such as royalty payments from foreign sub-licensees is only relevant to the quantum of compensation awarded should outstanding benefit be proved .
19 It 's wrong for you to be alone at a time like this . ’
20 Whatever the method used to discover a new site , the most important element is to record its position and any other details that might be apparent at the time of discovery .
21 More money must be available at the time of need .
22 Planning permission has been granted by the South Shropshire District Council and further details will be available by the time of the A.G.M. ( see below ) .
23 This list is meant to be accurate at the time of writing .
24 Thus the Tibetan Book of the Dead had stressed that ‘ on whatever sphere of being the mind of a man may be intent at the time of death ’ , this would determine his future state .
25 It may well be necessary at the time of ordering a reference to a referee to agree the limits of his remuneration and to undertake to make payment thereof when called upon ; the district judge is required when the report is filed to fix the remuneration of the referee , unless it has been agreed ( Ord 19 , r 9(g) ( ii ) ) .
26 Even if advance disclosure is made , further disclosure may be necessary at the time of a transaction if an actual conflict arises .
27 However physical replicas can only incorporate features and characteristics perceived to be significant at the time of replication and part of the justification for preserving original objects in preference to a copy is that the original can be interrogated in an open-ended way in the light of unforeseen enquiry .
28 It is not unusual therefore for the contract expressly to deal with the time for payment and the time for delivery but to be silent about the time of the transfer of property .
29 If more boards are available at the time of booking , you may hire one for your exclusive use while living afloat .
30 As a guide to construction , these pictures should reflect relevant structures and processes , and give an overview of the climate of the particular situation being addressed , together with any issues that are pertinent at the time of the analysis .
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