Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] their [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It is because the shareholders no longer control the management of a large public company and the product market is no longer perfectly competitive that the management are free to use their discretion for these socially worthwhile ends .
2 Never having cornered Milton , I am content to take their word for it .
3 After a heavily-publicised week on the slopes of Lech with their mother , the Princess of Wales , the princes are likely to join their father for the next part of their Easter holiday .
4 EC countries are likely to miss their target for carbon dioxide emissions in 2000 by atleast 4 per cent , according to a report on member countries ' plans submitted to the European Commission .
5 But it was an improvement on William 's taste in art and they served a good pint of bitter , and Preston might almost have settled back to enjoy it if he 'd been able to forget their reason for being there and if Emily had n't kept on at him about William and the Black Death .
6 Professional footballers fared little better than cricketers and were less likely to be able to pursue their occupation for as long .
7 He expresses scepticism about Frankfurt 's boast of being able to fill their stadium for every session : ‘ I do n't think they will get 9,000 every day , but I would have achieved that here , where we have developed an audience for the game .
8 Predictably the Koreans were unable to sustain their bid for glory in the face of the New Zealand machine fielding sevens stalwarts Dallas Seymour , Pat Lam and Scott Pierce and featuring quicksilver North Harbour winger Glen Osborne .
9 As nationalised suppliers , the electricity boards in the past were able to limit their liability for negligence to a trivial sum , but now , Tribick for one wants ‘ them to accept normal commercial negligence clauses in the contracts ’ .
10 ( 2 ) That , although there was power under rule 22 of the Rules of 1991 to order the local authority to pay costs , orders for costs in cases involving children were unusual ; that the justices ' findings and reasons , even taking into account their extended reasons , were insufficient to sustain their order for costs ; that the local authority 's exercise of its statutory role in the changing circumstances affecting the children could not be criticised ; and that , accordingly , the award of costs should be set aside ( post , pp. 527H , 528H , 530D–E , 531B–D ) .
11 All connected with the Scotland squad are anxious to convey their respect for the talent in English ranks : the common theme is that the defeat in Cardiff against Wales does not create a poor team .
12 It is easy to assess their potential for action and their intent from their fire power , to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
13 The defeat of Redgrave and Pinsent is unlikely to prevent their selection for the Olympic coxless pairs and it could prove to have been a useful warning to the world champions to raise their performance for Cologne in two weeks ' time , when all the potential Olympic crews will have their first try-out .
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