Example sentences of "[be] [verb] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Europe 's political structure in 1880 had been given its shape by the Congress of Vienna , the wars of the middle decades of the century and the Congress of Berlin .
2 It seems clear that the USSR , like many developing countries , has been revising its opinion about the nature of what bargaining with firms entails .
3 The centre has now gathered a number of signatures from other voluntary and community groups which are supporting its request to the Office of Wages Councils to reconsider the abolition of the Wages Council .
4 Investors have been expecting its publication for the last two weeks but are fearful it will be kept back for the week when Parliament goes into the Christmas recess .
5 A team of Swiss researchers , however , has been focusing its efforts on the self-replication of closed , spherical structures by developing a so-called ‘ autopoietic ’ system .
6 The commission would be given its objectives by the Government and would be accountable to it .
7 Essex Rivers Healthcare health promotion unit will be opening its doors on the day and will welcome smokers wanting advice on how to give up the habit .
8 SERC decided earlier last year to cut its budget for neutron sources by £5m and it was announced last November that the government would be renegotiating its contribution to the neutron source at the Institut Laue-Langevin ( ILL ) in Grenoble , France .
9 If it chose to put it all outside the town centre , what then subsequently occurred in the town centre under I twelve would not be damaging its allocation against the structure plan policy outside the town centre .
10 To recall Vaitsos ' point , it is not the foreignness of the firm that makes the difference but the foreignness of the product and its technology , what can be called its transnationality within the global capitalist system .
11 When a lion gets close enough to strike , it usually does so with great skill and confidence and does not appear to be miscalculating its position to the slightest degree .
12 Ron and Julia are the last couple to be married in the 160-year-old church , which will be closing its doors at the end of June .
13 Restoration of the former LD & ECR six-wheel , five-compartment coach of 1986 is nearly complete and it will very shortly be taking its place in the Museum Bay of the Matthew Kirtley Building with the Midland ‘ Shotton ’ coach and the Royal Saloon , both already resident there .
14 You 'd better keep this absolutely hush-hush , you understand , or it 'll all be winging its way across the Atlantic , whilst the London Library replaces its carpets and installs a coffee machine and Cropper sends us another of his nice helpful smiley-regretful Faxes , offering access to the Stant Collection and every possible assistance with microfilm .
15 A spokesman for the Department of Transport said last night that the DoT would be making its response to the National Audit Office report today .
16 Sun Microsystems Inc will be increasing its incursion into the IBM Corp installed commercial base with Emphasys Software putting its Cross/36 migration tool on Sparc machines running both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 .
17 The consultation period for the highly controversial document officially closed at the weekend and the board will be preparing its response to the public comments .
18 It could be argued that the best way of dealing with attempted suicide would be to prevent its occurrence in the first place ; but this is not an easy task , and one that often extends beyond the reach of the clinician .
19 Since 7 January the 2nd Shock Army , the southernmost element of the Front , had been playing its part in the general Soviet counter-offensive by pushing northwards north-east of Novgorod , trying to pinch off the deep German salient across the Lovat River between Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen , and thus to help relieve Leningrad .
20 By excluding love-making from the sphere of operation of the notion of autonomy , Kant and Hegel were limiting its scope in the ‘ public ’ realm .
21 But there will , of course , be no chance of that happening unless Britain were to show its enthusiasm for the project from the outset . ’
22 With Stamm acting as chief engineer , the San Jose , California start-up has been readying its line for the last two years financed by a $3.5m first-round investment from venture capitalists Institutional Venture Partners , Matrix Partners and Menlo Ventures .
23 Labour has been outlining its policy on the economy at the Party Conference in Blackpool .
24 Leftist Unity is targeting its campaign on the big industrial cities , such as Madrid , Barcelona and Valencia , as well as the region of Andalucia , where centuries of serfdom to the local noblemen have left the working class with a strong streak of radicalism .
25 IXI managing director , Ray Anderson , says his company is girding its loins for the ‘ mother of all battles ’ as it seeks to drive into Sun Microsystems Inc turf armed with X.desktop over OSF/Motif .
26 The basis of his theory of democracy is a theory of capitalist enterprise , and Schumpeter emphasizes the connection not only by discussing the historical relation between capitalism and democracy , but by treating political parties as analogous to business concerns engaged in a competitive struggle ( for power in one case , profits in the other ) the aim of which for each party/enterprise is to increase its share of the market ( constituted by voters or consumers ) .
27 Unfortunately , London University 's proposal that the Witt should become self-financing comes just as the Getty computer programme is ending its support of the Witt Computer Index because it has changed its policy from building up a vast database of its own to producing systems for accessing other databases .
28 Like all mammals , dolphins need air to live , and the first act of life of a newly-born dolphin is to find its way to the surface to breathe .
29 Delrina is basing its pitch on the expected low cost of these modems relative to the cost of buying separate facsimile and answering machines , and the large installed base of Windows users with a single phone line who keep finding themselves talking to modems .
30 The state of Wisconsin is basing its appeal on the fact that intent and emotion — passion , envy , fear — are often weighed in the balance in sentencing already .
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