Example sentences of "[be] [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most youths and even small boys wore a strip of hide around their wrists or ankles : this had been given them with appropriate blessing to bring them success when they became warriors .
2 And if you are to provide them with decent motives for a murder , and decently different ones as well , you will need room to do it in .
3 If you are driving them near known pipe or cable runs , take care not to pierce them ; it 's best to drive the new nails as close to existing nail positions as possible for safety .
4 They 're pounding them with bent drumsticks , hard and fast , with all the strength of their hands and wrists .
5 Although for some years now people have been suing them for outrageous sums well beyond any amount that could ever be insured , when it came to the crunch litigants always settled out of court for a far lower figure .
6 ‘ He asked me if I 'd been teaching them about poisonous plants , ’ said Corbett Farraday .
7 The answer until now has been to put them in geriatric units .
8 This is not a guide as to when to call on expert medical advice which should always be determined by the condition of the patient and carried out at whatever stage you would normally call upon such help whether or not you are treating them with Homoeopathic remedies .
9 ‘ We have been plunging them into boiling water for years and it is ridiculous to say we are being cruel .
10 Anyway , I like them , and will certainly be using them in future paintings .
11 Several older NCT children have started school this year so we sha n't be seeing them at Open Houses now …
12 But Branfoot warned : ‘ I 'll be keeping them under tight control from now on .
13 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
14 Response has been excellent and we are putting them to good use — please keep them coming !
15 Instead , staff are putting them into special collecting bins so that they can be taken away for recycling .
16 They felt that a good deal of the South Western Board 's troubles were brought on by excessive expenditure and inadequate tariffs , and Steward found little sympathy from the other Boards , since some of them had equally serious system extension , reinforcement and standardisation problems , and were financing them by adequate tariffs .
17 Teachers , though in some cases suspicious that these new demands were turning them into social workers , realised that this role brought them benefits .
18 To others , including Tennyson and Arnold , it seemed as if ‘ the ringing grooves of change ’ were carrying them at break-neck speed into a future full of uncertainty and alarm .
19 The idea of getting everyone away is to isolate them from mundane worries so that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on the task in hand .
20 All you need to do is to wipe them with absorbent paper .
21 The trick with infantry is to use them in large units , at least four ranks deep , preferably more , and to always give them a banner .
22 Of course many committees are composed of old chums , but a way of making meetings less forbidding to those outside the circle is to hold them on neutral ground outside members homes .
23 • If you 're buying fish which are normally kept in brackish conditions , such as Mollies , Puffers and some Gobies , do n't automatically assume that your dealer is stocking them with added salt .
24 The modern way is to have them at right angles . )
25 There 's always innovations in the rose world … the latest is putting them in hanging baskets … who knows what Christopher Columbus would have thought of that .
26 This is a great piece of garden machinery but only if your land is already free of perennial weeds such as dandelion , dock and , the worst pest of all , creeping buttercup ; if not , all it will do is to chop them into little pieces , and where you had one when you used it , you 'll have a hundred or more next year .
27 A helpful device is to print them on separate index cards which you carry around with you for a while .
28 Also , this nomadic existence was bringing them into potential conflict with several different tax jurisdictions .
29 Curtis , meanwhile , as the result of his meditations on how a federated empire might collectively discharge its duty to the backward races under British rule , had begun to reach the conclusion that the answer was to train them for eventual self-government .
30 Before banks or even locks and keys were invented , the usual way of protecting valuable objects and money was to hide them from other people .
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