Example sentences of "[be] [verb] and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though there have been some disappointments , the Greens in this country and in Europe are very far from extinct , and are consolidating and reforming themselves to be more effective .
2 ‘ He 's always keeping his eyes on what the kids are wearing and nudging us about what we see out there , what we hear them asking for , ’ says Caroline Freeman , an Armanishly elegant stick insect who works on his British team .
3 A few minutes , and Aldhelm would have been stirring and hauling himself to his feet .
4 He 'd daubed a rock with paint and used the tell-tale splashes to correct a slight right-hand drift , and then he 'd taken a rasp to the elaborate Monte Carlo grip , reshaping the stock to approximate to the military form on which he 'd been trained and binding it with tape when it was as he wanted .
5 But Fatima was laughing and loving herself with crossed arms .
6 Her trembling body was curving and lifting itself to the hardness of his in obedience to the quickening in her loins , a fierily hollow quivering , the force at the centre of a storm of sensation .
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