Example sentences of "[be] [verb] with the local [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sainsburys say the company 's medical staff are liasing with the local council.No employees will be allowed back to work until the infection has cleared up .
2 Milton Keynes TEC says : ’ 495 young people are registered with the local Careers Office with 14 notified job vacancies and no Youth Training vacancies . ’
3 At Duperial 's San Lorenzo site , Argentina , close links have been formed with the local neighbourhood to discuss the works ' operations and emissions .
4 Childminders — who look after your child in their home — must be registered with the local authority and they and their families are regularly checked by the police , according to the 1989 Children 's Act .
5 Under the Child Minders Regulations Act of 1948 a person caring for reward for one or more children under five years of age to whom they are not related is required to be registered with the local authority .
6 He says that in some parts of the country , car boot sales have to be registered with the local authority , this could help .
7 Initial contact should be made with the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security .
8 Paul and Malcolm Bream first spent time exploring possible sources of voluntary funding , and then saw what might be done with the local authority , but have now turned back to their original search for their own place .
9 It is not necessary because section 6(3) ( b ) is capable of being given full effect without any such implication : it applies where a school is under-subscribed and yet seeks to refuse certain applicants who have expressed a preference for that school : Parliament has indicated that if spaces are to remain unfilled because of admission criteria such criteria have to be agreed with the local education authority .
10 During that period , any criteria for selection ( whether religious or otherwise ) would have had to be agreed with the local education authority if the case were to be brought within section 6(3) ( b ) .
11 Suitable products and the exact extent of their application should be agreed with the local authority 's building control officer before the rebuilding work is commenced .
12 So-called leisure courses will be left with the local authority in the adult education centres .
13 A liaison should be established with the local bus company to ensure that those who plan timetables and routes are fully aware of the health authority 's working arrangements , needs and plans for future developments .
14 A voluntary group which is a company may be regarded as ‘ influenced ’ by the local authority where both 20% or more of its voting members or board of directors are associated with the local authority and 50% or more of its business .
15 A newspaper feature to be published simultaneously with the broadcast has been discussed with the local newspaper .
16 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
17 I beg to move , That leave be given to bring in a Bill to provide for certain descriptions of shops in England and Wales to be open for trade on Sunday , subject to their being registered with the local authority ; to impose a general prohibition on the opening on Sunday of other shops , extending this prohibition to certain business premises which on week-days are open for the service of customers ; to provide protection for persons employed in or for the purposes of a shop which is , or is to be , registered for Sunday opening , where they have conscientious or other objections to working on Sunday ; to make consequential and other repeals in the Shops Act 1950 ; and for connected purposes .
18 ‘ I am working with the local police , yes .
19 Nearby , alum has been worked for centuries and we could still see the remains of the old landing stage where little coasters brought brimming vats of urine from London , which was mixed with the local mineral to produce dyestuff fasteners for textiles .
20 These started when iron ore was mined with the local coal , but now the iron ore has to be brought by rail and canal .
21 Nobody knew that she really was playing with the local children , in her own way .
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