Example sentences of "[be] [verb] by a new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They are surrounded by a new aura of meaning ’ ( 1965 : 129 ) .
2 The bridge is now used only by pedestrians , having been superseded by a new road bridge in 1958 .
3 Old certainties — the idea of a fundamental division between ‘ realism ’ and ‘ experimentalism ’ , for example — have been superseded by a new pluralism .
4 In the Eastern states of Europe , the traditional form of communism has collapsed and the communist party and state apparatus has been superseded by a new cohort of political leaders .
5 Every attempt by local government to evade central spending restrictions has been met by a new rule to make evasion more difficult .
6 Once the exclusive domain of self-confessed ‘ headers ’ , Leeds United 's terraces have been invaded by a new breed of hedonistic supporter .
7 Venice 's churches , recently threatened with closure ( see The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p.1 ) , have been reprieved by a new scheme approved by the Ministero dei Beni culturali .
8 It has now been replaced by a new colonnade .
9 - You notice that the section of your local supermarket which has stocked picnic and barbecue material since the birth of time has suddenly disappeared and been replaced by a new section stocking wrapping paper , crackers and tinsel decorations .
10 On this occasion it was to be hoped that humiliation and hurt pride had been assuaged by a new pair of shoes and a many-stranded jet necklace — like early travellers taking presents to the natives , Sophia felt .
11 Our market leading ‘ gold sub ’ ( AuSub© ) range of silver glass die attach pastes has been augmented by a new range of polymer based materials which can be used to attach semi-conductor chips in both ceramic and plastic packages .
12 CUSTOMER services has been boosted by a new system to allocate loose bases and covers .
13 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
14 The decreasing significance of patronage in the nineteenth century and the permeation of musical life by market relations has two dialectically related effects : commodification of musical works and rationalization of the production system are accompanied by a new level of musical autonomy associated with market freedom and a decline of social function .
15 These days the greying hair , spreading waists and failing sight are accompanied by a new generation ; their children .
16 But they were alarmed to discover that sanitarians had been displaced by a new force in sexual politics : the militant voice of articulate middle-class women who pointed to men as the root cause of immorality .
17 The technological innovations which have developed as a result of society 's need to adapt to new conditions have been accompanied by a new epistemology .
18 Such questions as these receive quite disparate answers , ranging from claims that all these legal practices can be explained by a new principle , such as the protection of reliance , through to denials that anything significant has happened .
19 By the late 1980s regular trainloads were being dispatched from purpose-built transfer terminals in Greater London , Manchester and Avon , and these would soon be joined by a new flow from Edinburgh .
20 The plant is producing the top-of-the range Rover eight hundred , but later this year the production lines will be joined by a new Rover car , codenamed the SYNCHRO .
21 The slate roof was treated similarly , although the need to install central heating meant that the roof ridge at the junction of the main block with the nineteenth-century extension had to be punctuated by a new chimney .
22 SCOTCH whisky and other spirits producers may be caught by a new Commission proposal to force them to reveal the ingredients of alcoholic drinks on bottles .
23 Under the legislation gene technology would be regulated by a new body , the Central Committee for Biological Safety , which would be responsible to the Health Ministry in Bonn .
24 A World Bank-backed forest conservation programme has been launched in Guyana , but its effectiveness may be threatened by a new road and the government 's recent granting of logging rights to a Malay-Korean consortium .
25 For example , the InsP 3 -induced entry of calcium in lymphocytes may be mediated by a new IP 3 R which contains sialic acid and is localized in the plasma membrane .
26 It 's the first such building to be bought by a new trust which has been set up to protect some of the country 's loveliest old places of worship .
27 Halitosis , or bad breath , may be helped by a new mouthwash currently being developed by a research team from Israel
28 Gary Stevens Animal — a new piece inspired by the ‘ comic , animal-like persona of Stan Laurel ’ , says Stevens somewhat enigmatically — will be premiered by a new group of artists and performers .
29 But this view could well be challenged by a new offering from Roland …
30 There is no need for the former , given that the schools already have to publish examination results and that under the Conservatives they will have to be inspected by a new form of genuinely independent inspecting agencies .
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