Example sentences of "[be] [verb] by [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There the plaintiff passenger 's damages were reduced by 20 per cent because he had been out drinking with the defendant driver and a lot of beer had been consumed by both the plaintiff and the defendant .
2 The second approach , occupational structure , has been invalidated by both the population turnaround and the loss of agricultural employment already discussed , but it did once allow a reasonable classification to be made consisting of agricultural-rural , rural and rural-urban ( Robertson , 1961 ) .
3 A situation like this could have been resolved by either the workers in the marketed sector accepting lower wages , or the employers accepting lower profits or a combination of the two .
4 This has been done by both the BBC and the " Sunday Times " .
5 The appeal had been lodged by both the prosecution and the defence .
6 Woven carpets are generally the most expensive , and are made by either the Axminster or the Wilton method .
7 Games are played by either the Parent or Child ego-states ( see page 56 ) and are outside the awareness of the Adult .
8 The by-election had been billed by both the NP and the CP as a test of white opinion on constitutional change .
9 The management of our schools has been conditioned by both the ideology and practice of hierarchy and control to a point at which , in some cases , it must attract the pejorative term of managerialism , a condition under which the artificial needs of managers , organisations , systems , bureaucracies or routines assume dominance over the real needs of children .
10 Foremost among these are the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONBs ) which , along with the parks , had been proposed by both the Dower and the Hobhouse Reports .
11 The four push buttons select either Preset mode , which can be adjusted by either the encoder or the front panel keypad , Mix ( for balancing the effects against the dry signal , or against the effected or dry EQ signal ) , Parameter ( for accessing the effects in a patch ) and Value ( which allows all the parameter values displayed to be adjusted ) .
12 While its powers will be limited by both the president and the lower house , the fact that it is to be freely elected will give it hard-to ignore moral authority .
13 Phragmata occupying these two positions have been referred to as pre- and postphragmata mata respectively and both may be carried by either the meso- or metathorax of some insects ; no phragma is ever borne by the prothorax .
14 But he said : ‘ I 'm devastated by both the verdict and sentence .
15 The criteria which seem to be applied by both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in deciding whether leave should be granted are ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) :
16 Courses will be selected by both the employer and the individual and will be accredited as part of our new 14–19 system .
17 The account executive will , usually , take the chair in meetings at the agency , and will be responsible for producing the minutes of every meeting — these may be called ‘ call reports ’ or ‘ contact reports ’ , and are usually designed solely to record decisions and list action to be performed by either the agency or the client .
18 To the latter , the company replied that as Tamworth Road was to be used by both the Mitcham and Sutton routes , single track there would slow up the whole service .
19 Your regular support will be valued by both the Committee and your fellow members .
20 The provision of plant and scaffolding will usually be subject to negotiation and may be supplied by either the builder or the subcontractor .
21 The budget originates in the Executive branch and is sent to both houses for approval ; it can be amended by both — and usually is , very substantially — but the final version must be approved by both the President and the two houses acting jointly .
22 Some interest provisions attempt to insert a minimum rate , which should be avoided by both the landlord and the tenant .
23 All the machinery on site could be driven by either the gas engine or the 14 foot overshot water wheel , with rim gearing .
24 Thus , with the help of a dummy variable t' for clarity , a nonperiodic signal may be represented by Now the pulsatances of the nth and ( n + 1 ) th harmonics are and so Hence or where , dropping the primes , since they are no longer necessary for clarity , The function G ( ο); giving the amplitude distribution in the equivalent continuous spectrum of the nonperiodic function F(t) is said to be the Fourier transform of F(t).
25 This paper proposes that Christian Aid support a new one year course in Theology and Development for students from the Third World , to be run by either the University of Leeds or the University of Edinburgh .
26 The latter enables delivery or acceptance to take place between the two dates ( the contract itself is not optional , it must be fulfilled by both the bank and the customer ) .
27 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
28 All completed and marked assignments should be retained by either the centre or the students .
29 The House will recall that in the latter part of last year both my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State outlined measures to be taken by both the Government and mortgage lenders with the excellent aim of reducing the level of repossessions that were occurring at that time .
30 As an environment-conscious consumer , he will have the product disposed of at a premium charge — high prices to be paid by both the customer and the environment .
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