Example sentences of "[be] [verb] for the [noun] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 He and his crew are searching for the Land Where the Sun Goes at Night .
2 In some cases doctor 's dentist 's or other appointments will have been made for the Thursdays when the bus failed to arrive .
3 Barbara Adams , a US-born resident of Katmandu , said : " I am waiting for the day when owning a Tibetan carpet incurs the same disapproval as wearing a leopard skin coat . "
4 Finally he asked us to pray to be forgiven for the times when we had misused our authority .
5 What they do have in common is that in all cases industry will be looking for the location where it can make the best profit .
6 ‘ Estimated risk ’ will be used for the cases where a person is making an estimate of risk while not actually in a situation to experience the risk they are estimating .
7 I have begun to sense that , despite the touching and the ‘ precious boy ’ , I may not be headed for the Dark where the soft , fat spiders watch and wait .
8 No estimates of perinatal mortality rates were made for the units where few referrals and subsequent perinatal deaths occurred .
9 This is designed for the situation where it may be necessary to make the shares of a departing employee or director available to attract replacement management .
10 Question 4 is to allow for the case where a commercial package deal would be more beneficial to the company than making the item in-house .
11 Question 4 is to allow for the case where a commercial package deal would be more beneficial to the company than making the item in-house .
12 Completion date is planned for the autumn when it will be painted in the colours of the 1936 Burns Flea .
13 Her family and acquaintance would have been greatly astonished to learn that Camille considered herself prematurely grown-up , and she herself was waiting for the day when she could tame her anger into cold bitterness and frame it into phrases as cutting as tempered steel .
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