Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When they reach the place of sacrifice , the details of the final preparations are given in the same matter-of-fact way that the initial ones were .
2 Over one year , a £10 a month investment would be worth a respectable £143.26 now , if it could have been placed in the same hypothetical fund .
3 Her Cinderella feet , when not encased in riding boots or miniature galoshes , are shod in the same perfect low-heeled pump , custom-made by the dozen by Farkas and Kovacs , and matched to pearly brocades , soft pastels or surprisingly vivid patent primaries .
4 The question for us now is whether these new forms of growth are occurring in the same geographical labour market areas as those of factory and public sector job losses .
5 can not help him out because they too are caught in the same conceptual framework .
6 Had that been approached in the same meticulous way ?
7 Comfortable Seats — Clio is equipped with seats that are manufactured in the same traditional style as those in larger cars .
8 LEEDS boss Doug Laughton and Liverpool manager Graeme Souness are swimming in the same shark-infested sea at the moment .
9 Loyalty bonuses for disloyal players , bloated payments to executives , contracts which give managers shares of transfer fees and other salary innovations may be above the law but they are rooted in the same dark subsoil which nourishes numerous rackets and scams .
10 Sex specialists Masters and Johnson say it 's a series of quite separate orgasmic peaks which are linked in the same sexual experience .
11 One of the key arguments put forward by CERN is that the LHC can be built in the same 27-kilometre tunnel as the LEP thus saving massively on the cost .
12 I mean poor dogs and this , I mean we 've said it all before it 's not viable , four dogs and a semi that you do n't exercise , four dogs that er appear particularly one of them to be housed in the same little area , day in day out with a curtain on the door , so that there 's not even light going in there
13 Despite the usual blazing peroration with which the speech ended , full of ‘ greatness and glory ’ , it is hard to imagine that Mosley and Joyce could long be accommodated in the same political movement .
14 This programme is directed towards restructuring Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma courses so that they can be delivered in the same flexible and responsive ways that have been pioneered by the National Certificate .
15 Notice that the CB has to be specified in the same objective term as the PB .
16 Wendy and I were pleased to find that we were to be billeted in the same small town of Wolverton — pleased , that is , until we saw it !
17 That does n't mean that you would be engaged in the same boring work all the time .
18 In this brief section , however , we are concerned more with the way in which multimedia elements can be integrated into an orthodox text-and-data database environment and how multimedia can be described in the same logical terms as the conventional elements with existing database structures .
19 While the arrow diameter of 5.5mm remains a first choice , since so many long established and successful aerobatic kites have been designed around it , two larger sizes were introduced in the same unidirectional carbon tubing .
20 The still life is painted in the same direct , rather violent technique .
21 Planck 's constant h is measured in the same physical units as those of angular momentum , a dynamical quantity which measures the amount of rotatory motion in a system .
22 Called The Corbetts and other Scottish Hills , it 's produced in the same successful format as the SMC 's previous guide to the Munros .
23 ‘ making ’ the success but failing to ‘ recognize himself in it ’ , is alienated in the same primary sense as the labourer in relation to the product .
24 Since standard English and Irish English syntactic forms do not mark the same temporal and aspectual distinctions , we can not assume that they are embedded in the same underlying grammar .
25 He was clad in the same white coveralls as the half-dozen policemen who had been working over the room , like a coven of wraiths .
26 This figure was painted in the same syrupy pastel shades as the rest of the crucifix , but when Zen tapped it the head resounded not with the dull thud of plaster but with a light metallic ring
27 The bombardment chewed the British defences as savagely ; the dawn advance was cloaked in the same white mist of invisibility ; within hours the storm troopers had overrun the new Front and the retreat was on again .
28 There was a similar letter from Glasgow ; this time the writing was marginally more educated , and the paper of slightly heavier stock , but the letter was couched in the same guarded terms : a half-yearly profit that was a substantial increase on the same period last year .
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