Example sentences of "[be] [verb] have [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Assessment of the PhD/MPhil is by thesis and viva voce In addition candidates are expected to have published a review or preliminary research findings and contributed to research seminars .
2 He had swum against the tide at a time when schools to which specific counsellor appointments had previously been made had used a counsellor 's vacancy , at a time of teaching staff reductions , for other purposes .
3 The economic recession during which this book has been written has seen a reduction in merger mania but one can almost guarantee that this will be a temporary blip in the inexorable progress towards higher and higher profits .
4 Thousands are said to have signed a Memorial to the Board of Trade abhorring the notion of the Shipping Offices , of " oppressive taxation inasmuch as British seamen are ticketed and numbered like slaves " and complaining " of an unconstitutional violation of the rights and liberties of freeborn Englishmen … to which no other class of Englishmen is subjected " .
5 Most of that will go on delivering the programmes er and most of that is existing funding and so we 're going to have to use a lot of it on that , but we want to do new things as well .
6 If he 's been used to lads ' nights out each week , and football practice on Sundays , you 're going to have to reach a compromise .
7 It 's no use going home on Friday night and going erm , I 've only got five appointments , you 're self-employed , it means you 're going to have to work a couple of hours extra .
8 McDunn does n't want to charge me with any of the other murders but they 're going to have to make a decision before too long because my initial time under the PTA is nearly up and the Home Secretary is n't going to grant an extension ; I 'll have to appear in court soon .
9 I said that the Occidental are gon na They 'll either willingly pay or they 're going have to pay a lot of compensation to the bereaved and er fund more or less just going to top up any money when it 's probably not going to be necessary in the long run .
10 I am going to have to write a letter of explanation to the Prime Minister .
11 Of the seven or so countries that secretly have ( in South Africa 's case , had ) nuclear weapons or are close to having them , only three are thought to have conducted a test .
12 No matter how much you speed up the entry into London at some point in time you are going to have to create a jam .
13 ‘ It is better for us to say we are going to have to institute a series of strict priorities .
14 If you are in your late teens or are doing a further education course and you are extremely worried about examinations , you are going to have to find a way to tackle academic stress that does not involve eating and drinking too much .
15 Newcastle are understood to have made a £500,000 bid for Viscaal , in Holland 's squad for last night 's game in Turkey .
16 Police are understood to have found a knife embedded in the body of Derek Clazie , 25 , of Tweedmouth , in Berwick , who was discovered unconscious in a pool of blood on the Highcliffe Estate in Spittal .
17 For those of us who are spared having to wear a uniform to work , the notion of getting out of bed and putting on exactly the same clothes , every day , is simply too boring to contemplate .
18 Some patients , perhaps especially those who express anxiety about the risk of fire or who are known to have experienced a fire , may welcome being told about the fire precautions in the ward .
19 ( 8 ) In the event that a Member holds any Shares or a beneficial owner has an interest in any Shares in the Company in such circumstances that the Rules are broken the Directors may at any time resolve that the Member holding the Shares concerned shall ( unless he shall have already given a Transfer Notice ) be deemed to have given a Transfer Notice in respect of such Shares .
20 ( 8 ) In the event that a Member holds any Shares or a beneficial owner has an interest in any Shares in the Company in such circumstances that the Rules are broken the Directors may at any time resolve that the Member holding the Shares concerned shall ( unless he shall have already given a Transfer Notice ) be deemed to have given a Transfer Notice in respect of such Shares .
21 An individual shall be deemed to have received a capital sum or be entitled to receive such a sum where a third person receives the same or is entitled to receive the same at the direction of the individual or where the individual assigns his right ( by , for instance , a deed of assignment or an equitable assignment ) to receive the sum to such third person ( s739(5) ) .
22 The Articles usually provide that if an executive director or an employee holding shares ceases to be employed by Newco , he shall be deemed to have served a transfer notice in respect of his shares , effectively forcing him to sell .
23 A controversial attempt to have part of Carnmoney Hill re-zoned to allow homes to be built has provoked a storm of protest from local people .
24 For Lukács ' legacy could also be seen to have bequeathed a curse .
25 In retrospect , the public recognition of child abuse as an extensive social phenomenon can be seen to have caused a break in the policy tradition under which child care services had been developed since the Second World War .
26 The first section of this chapter sums up the differences which have emerged between legacies and trusts in the course of this book , and goes on to consider whether or how far or in what sense classical law can be said to have reached a fusion of legacy and trust .
27 Insofar as younger ministers believed that a Christian state should improve housing , lay drains or provide pensions , they could be said to have advocated a form of social gospel .
28 His parents published a collection of his letters in 1919 , The Letters of Charles Sorley , which the Manchester Guardian thought ‘ contained the first mature impressions of a nature which was all vigour and radiance , a boy who may be said to have had a genius for truth ’ .
29 These people might indeed be said to have had a right to move once again centre stage , and so it is hardly surprising to find among them the great names of the first Napoleonic age .
30 He does n't understand at all , children say things to him at school he 's very mixed up i 'm going to have to seek a lot of help for all the children.He asked me : ’ Am I going to get the bike back for Mark and Thomas to ride on the child 's seat ? ’
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