Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 James had for some time been accepting an annual pension from Elizabeth in return for promises of assistance against foreign invaders — meaning , at this period , Spain — and on the tacit understanding that he would in no way connive at his mother 's return to Scotland .
2 These great beasts are given a temporary respite from their working lives to parade each day for a week through the streets of Kandy attended by drummers and dancers , the procession starting each day from a different temple .
3 A brass band from Point of Ayr Colliery , which has been given a temporary reprieve from closure after being included in a 90-day pit review , headed the rally .
4 Watson had been given a hard time from the Wednesday crowd before those goals but is now hoping the tide has turned .
5 Harden 's type-series ( 1956b , pp. 139–43 ) divided the total assemblage into a number of distinct categories , beakers with stems or claws , bell , bag or cone-shaped , with the related horns , pouch bottles , squat jars , bottles , palm cups and bowls , to which has been added a bucket-shaped vessel from the cemetery of Westgarth Gardens , Bury St Edmunds ( Suffolk ) ; slight variations have been made to the original typology ( Harden 1978 , pp. 2–6 ) .
6 Husband had been filling a curved briar from a silver pocket box .
7 Realistically , the new lines would not be in commission until the end of 1995 ; because of the delay caused by the public inquiry , the NGC has been granted a temporary exemption from its obligation to link the Wilton power station to the grid network .
8 ‘ You 're suffering a delayed reaction from that appalling business on the autobahn are n't you ? ’
9 ‘ I 'm afraid you 're making an illegitimate leap from fact to value .
10 The aim of all schools of initiation the world over has always been to guide a human mind from an ordinary state of consciousness which is considered as a conscious state of ignorance or illusion , to a higher , more aware , enlightened condition .
11 Especially as he has been getting a rough deal from some sections of the crowd .
12 But at a time when incumbent leaders across the world are facing a recessionary backlash from their people , Mr Major can go out on to the international stage with enhanced authority .
13 Big farmers who practise intensive farming , aiming for maximum yields for mininum cost , are facing a growing hostility from environmentalists .
14 As the report produced last week by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State made clear , patients are getting a first-rate service from NHS hospitals and ever-improving treatment from the hospitals .
15 ‘ I think that we are getting a long way from the subject , ’ he said .
16 Falling interest rates make it even more important for investors to check that they are getting a reasonable return from their funds .
17 We may not like the fact that they stop exports — they affect some of the exports of my constituency — but they are bloody-minded because they think that they , too , are getting a rotten deal from the CAP .
18 The Prime Minister has already shown his sensitivity to a feeling that individuals are getting a poor service from the public sector , hence the Citizen 's Charter .
19 Most of Mareuil 's vineyards are set a little distance from the village on south-east-facing slopes immediately beneath Mutigny .
20 If these are not the product of a Piltdown-type hoax , then either there must have been a source of jade somewhere in Europe or else the axes must have been brought an unimaginable distance from the Far East , a journey comparable in its way to that of the monoliths of Stonehenge .
21 Celtic are to reject a written offer from Newcastle , believed to be worth £300,000 , for Roy Aitken .
22 A GIRL aged 11 has become the first child in Britain to be given a legal divorce from her mother .
23 Whereas it would have been possible to ask Harriet Finlay Johnson , ‘ What are you teaching this lesson ? ’ and the answer could easily be something like , ‘ The Spanish Armada ’ , one could not expect to be given an equivalent answer from Peter Slade , Brian Way or the Speech and Drama teachers .
24 If the deep anaphor can be assigned a suitable interpretation from a content-based representation it does not matter , at least as far as a considered judgement of acceptability is concerned , if the previous expression of that content does not parallel the one that would have to be substituted for the anaphor to make a full second clause .
25 Viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing will be getting a new service from Central next week .
26 ‘ Shearer is only 21 and Blackburn might not be one of the glamour clubs , but they will be expecting an awful lot from him . ’
27 Mickey had a ramp with pea sized objects rolling down to be dealt a mighty blow from a spring loaded mallet .
28 Cornwall will be fielding an unchanged side from the semi-finals and Glyn Williams , their captain , stressed the importance within the county of the ADT championship , which is derided by some for its supposed second-class quality .
29 US President-elect Bill Clinton has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship from University College , Oxford , where he studied in 1968 and '69 .
30 I have been left an agitated message from my niece Marie-Christine telling me that you are camping at Les Hiboux , without chairs or even the bare necessities of life . ’
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