Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] high [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their advice should probably have been to go down the High Street to a large newsagents and buy one or more magazines devoted to the PC and read up on the subject .
2 All 133 bedrooms are furnished to a high standard with en-suite bathroom .
3 The palazzo now offers five lovely apartments all of which are furnished to a high standard some with antiques — and of individual character and charm .
4 She will ensure that women 's voices are heard at the highest level .
5 But it could be argued that she has been placed in a high turn-over establishment because she possesses an authoritarian style of leadership .
6 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
7 The reason for this may well be the fact that IT , like almost all innovations , has emerged and has been developed to the highest standard in countries with strong democratic forces which are able to counterbalance any propensity for excessive power concentration .
8 However , the difficulties are highlighted by the high percentage of other land shown in the table , 17.4 per cent , which is largely accounted for by swamp , desert and bare rock .
9 it may have been referred to a higher court .
10 The case of Matthew Lucas who is trying to reopen relations with his estranged mother has been referred to the High Court .
11 Stouts today are not exceptionally strong — usually in the low 1040s OG — and are distinguished by a high hop rate and by their jet black or dark brown colour achieved by the use of roasted malts and unmalted roasted barley .
12 As both hon. Members will have in mind , European Community monitors are now in place who have been exposed to a high degree of personal risk .
13 To summarise , again , survey evidence from Appendix 1 , people who had been educated to a higher level , who were more highly paid , or were in a higher social group , seemed more readily able than average to use APR or credit cost information in choosing among loan options .
14 When the mare basins were excavated the fragmentary material beneath them must have been compressed to a higher density than before .
15 Profit margins have generally been squeezed by the higher cost of imports , said Trade Indemnity spokeswoman Barbara Bennett .
16 Precisely this eventuality had been considered at the highest level in the days just before the war ended .
17 We are committed to the highest safety and environmental standards and put great store by the contractual arrangements in place for the return of wastes .
18 Judge Sirica 's doubts were confirmed when McCord admitted in March that the defendants had lied at the trial , that they had received payments of over $200 000 to keep quiet and that this had been done from a high level in the White House .
19 Virtual Personal Computing — the attractive use of graphics , colour , sound and the ‘ mouse ’ which have eased the acceptance of AppleMacs and PCs at this University , have been built upon the high bandwidth once only available between components of a single personal computer .
20 Accelerated by the current economic recession , old manufacturing industries are disappearing while the new information technology based industries are developing at a high rate .
21 These foods are prepared from the highest quality ingredients and contain all the nutrients and vitamins that fish require .
22 Virtually all visitors have found the method by which tangled smelly fleeces are turned into a high quality Axminster carpet thoroughly fascinating .
23 In contemporary political debate it is ‘ Victorian values ’ which are presented as the high point of family responsibilities , implying that Utopia existed somewhere around the middle to end of the nineteenth century ( West , 1984 ) .
24 The houses are built to a high specification by D.P. Patton Homes one of the Provinces most reputable building firms and winners of the Pride of the Job award ( 1989 & 1991 ) and designed by a leading firm of Northern Ireland Architects , The Boyd Partnership .
25 In the various judgments that have been made in the High Court by Mr. Justice Brown , no contempt was found against officials or my hon. Friend for what is called phase 1 and phase 2 .
26 By s 45 of the Act where an action or matter is transferred from the High Court to a county court , and no order to the contrary has been made in the High Court , the costs of the proceedings prior thereto are in the discretion of the county court judge , and will be taxed in the county court upon such scale , whether of the High Court or county court , as the judge thinks just ( a statement to the contrary can be found on p 868 of the County Court Practice , 1991 but this has been adjudged incorrect : Forey v London Buses Ltd ( 1991 ) 2 All ER 936 ) .
27 Promotion and sales may not have been seen as a high status activity deserving of such high level management attention .
28 He had been moved to a higher class , seemed well adjusted and chatted a lot when she worked with him .
29 The latest production to have commenced shooting in Dublin is ‘ Into The West ’ , the story of a re-housed gypsy who refuses to be parted from his horse — despite the fact that he has been moved to a high rise block .
30 Unfortunately , the group did not define fetal distress , and the increased incidence may have been related to the higher rate of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid in spontaneous labours , which is to be expected at a later gestation .
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