Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [adv] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On this , their second Irish tour , they are joined by ex-Hotfoot guitar wizard Jimmy Faulkner .
2 The preliminary result for the state of Para was indecisive but the election there was thought to have been won by either Jader Barbalho of PMDB or Sahid Xerfan of the PTB .
3 The privatization of industries , ranging from Britoil to British Gas , British Telecom and British Steel , has been a great success , partly because they have touched a public nerve , but also because the share issues have usually been made at below market value .
4 So again there 's some restatement , so just to clarify things we 're looking at primarily life insurance for yourself and your wife savings plan for your daughter PHI say in six months ' time and pension planning is the , the least of your , your main concerns today , would that be the case yeah I guess so .
5 ( Aviation regulations allow gas-powered curlers to be carried in either hand baggage or main luggage . )
6 questions — you will find lots of these at the end of each section : they are included mainly to stimulate your own reflections as you read , but they could also be drawn on when group discussion — at a meeting in a parish or deanery or diocesan synod — is being planned
7 The Charities Aid Foundation ( CAF ) operates a Cheque Book scheme which can be used for both Gift Aid and the Give As You earn scheme .
8 Consequently , in developed countries , infant mortality has been found to be associated with both birth order and family size .
9 It is hoped that by examining the experience of family life of these couples a greater understanding may be achieved of how donor parentage affects the marital relationship , parent/child relationship , and relationships within the wider family .
10 All viewers should be informed on how government television taxes are redistributed and used .
11 This campaign has been supported by both Alder Valley and Southdown bus companies .
12 Sums of up to £10,000 have been earmarked for both Pocket Theatre and Durham Theatre Company pending further discussions .
13 Mr Lapointe and his secretariat are facing a mounting barrage of accusations , most of them linking the secretariat 's allegedly biased lobbying against the ban with the money being given by Far East wildlife traders to the organisation 's ivory monitoring unit .
14 The National Trust properties at Anne 's Point and Strangford Lough have received substantial financial help from WWF , funds being used for both site purchase and management initiatives .
15 The different structures of primary and secondary schools were reflected in how health education was delivered .
16 I thought you were trying to actually pin responsibility not to organisations , but to people that here was Mrs Thatchers philosophy really working and market was gon na discipline pay out their own pockets .
17 Our trading branded activities under the and labels were extended in both product range and customer base .
18 One example is the method of recognition using template matching which is applied in both speech recognition and optical character recognition .
19 The use of the four authorised systems is regulated by both grape variety and échelle de cru :
20 The interstitium was thickened by either granulation tissue or dense fibrosis and in the worst cases showed honeycombing .
21 The extent and intensity of class II major histocompatibility complex staining of epithelial cells was assessed in both surface epithelium and crypt epithelium .
22 Debt interest forms a substantial proportion of local authority expenditure : this burden was reduced as both capital expenditure and interest rates fell in the early 1980s .
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