Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many are speeding up investment in technology to make their water gathering facilities more efficient .
2 Any debate will persuade them they 're whipping up interest in fiction .
3 She was mature enough to accept an olive branch , even if it was being handed out tongue in cheek .
4 Alfred was waving a white-stockinged leg in the air , Heinrich experimentally bending over in his black knee breeches ; James was pulling at his skimpy short jacket , puffing out his chest like Beerbohm Tree as d'Artagnan , Algernon was dancing a Highland fling showing off his black slipper shoes , and Alice and Emily were swishing merrily arm in arm through the kitchen in their huge , gathered black skirts covered with large , bibbed , lacy aprons .
5 While the crowds at the Broadgate arena were treated to a medley of Disney hits , including ‘ Zip-a-dee-doo-dah ’ and ‘ Whistle While You Work ’ , the obligatory Disney characters were wheeled out hand in hand with the company 's key executives .
6 The Garden 's main objective , set out in the Natural Heritage ( Scotland ) Act of 1985 , is to carry out research in plant sciences , and the particular branch which Edinburgh specialises in is plant taxonomy — the classification of plants .
7 They are to store up treasure in heaven and not on earth .
8 My dad used to take two sugars , and when I said I was giving up sugar in tea and coffee , he reduced it to one .
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