Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] both the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The struggles involving civil society are not contained within it , but are implicated in both the sphere of production and the state .
2 There the plaintiff passenger 's damages were reduced by 20 per cent because he had been out drinking with the defendant driver and a lot of beer had been consumed by both the plaintiff and the defendant .
3 some proteins form an integral part of the membrane and are exposed to both the exterior and interior surface of the cell .
4 The second approach , occupational structure , has been invalidated by both the population turnaround and the loss of agricultural employment already discussed , but it did once allow a reasonable classification to be made consisting of agricultural-rural , rural and rural-urban ( Robertson , 1961 ) .
5 HP CEO John Young told a meeting of analysts last week that HP had been looking at both the USL and OSF kernels , but had no plans in place to license USL technology .
6 This has been done by both the BBC and the " Sunday Times " .
7 The constant frequency clock produces Step commands at the start/stop rate of the motor/load combination and these commands are fed to both the excitation Sequence circuit and to the downcounter , which records the instantaneous motor position relative to the target .
8 Clock pulses are fed to both the phase sequence generator and the downcounter .
9 Some modifications have been made to both the hardware and the Amiga 's operating system .
10 The appeal had been lodged by both the prosecution and the defence .
11 The organisations have been selected from both the UK and North America , which allows a valuable comparison to be made across the two cultures .
12 Gloucester has always been an important centre for the water-borne movement of goods , its quays dating back many centuries , and as far back as anyone can trace , the Severn has been used for both the import and export of a multitude of commodities .
13 He confirmed that she had been invited for both the church service and the lunch .
14 These are based on both the degree of digestion and on the proportions of teeth and bones affected , and using these patterns it is sometimes possible to identify predator species when they are unknown .
15 The by-election had been billed by both the NP and the CP as a test of white opinion on constitutional change .
16 The management of our schools has been conditioned by both the ideology and practice of hierarchy and control to a point at which , in some cases , it must attract the pejorative term of managerialism , a condition under which the artificial needs of managers , organisations , systems , bureaucracies or routines assume dominance over the real needs of children .
17 He has been entered in both the Gerry Feilden and the Fighting Fifth Hurdle at Newcastle .
18 Foremost among these are the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONBs ) which , along with the parks , had been proposed by both the Dower and the Hobhouse Reports .
19 Two decrees were issued by the Labour Ministry on Jan. 10 , 1990 , ( i ) announcing a nationwide 16 per cent wage increase for workers in state enterprises , stating that this was within the framework of the economic recovery programme ; and ( ii ) stating that strikes might legally be called by trade union committees or mass meetings of workers but that notice should be given to both the employer and the ministry and that strike action should only be used as a last resort .
20 While its powers will be limited by both the president and the lower house , the fact that it is to be freely elected will give it hard-to ignore moral authority .
21 But he said : ‘ I 'm devastated by both the verdict and sentence .
22 The criteria which seem to be applied by both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in deciding whether leave should be granted are ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) :
23 Courses will be selected by both the employer and the individual and will be accredited as part of our new 14–19 system .
24 Eleven weeks before the opening of the British Empire Exhibition ( where for the first time the King 's speech was transmitted by wireless to every part of the country and many parts of the British Empire ) , the house with every item in place was ready to be presented to both the Queen and the public .
25 The possession of large machines by those responsible for managing rivers can sometimes lead to a situation where the tail wags the dog , and the results can be damaging to both the environment and the economy .
26 Only one of the three identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
27 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
28 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
29 To the latter , the company replied that as Tamworth Road was to be used by both the Mitcham and Sutton routes , single track there would slow up the whole service .
30 Your regular support will be valued by both the Committee and your fellow members .
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