Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had all their attention now , every eye was wide and bright upon him , Herluin and Robert irresistibly moved to hoping against hope , but very wary of disappointment , Nicol interested but bewildered , for nothing had been said to him of the loss of Saint Winifred 's reliquary , or the possibility that he might have had it aboard his wagon , and had been robbed of it with all the rest .
2 She was in high spirits ; the idea which had been growing in her with increasing , undeniable force was now going to become a reality .
3 There are many who are surprised to discover that the words you see before you have been brought to you with little electronic influence beyond that which goes on within the brains of the writer and reader .
4 From the seamless opening shot — which lasts eight minutes and has no cuts — the themes and characters of The Player are laid before us with masterful skills as Altman glides and circles the camera around a studio car park , catching snatches of information and fragments of conversation ( a film is being pitched with the description ‘ Ghost meets The Manchurian Candidate ’ .
5 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
6 These may take a bit of finding — although an electronic stud detector will help — but once the batten has been secured , the kitchen cupboard ( or whatever ) can be secured to it with normal woodscrews .
7 I 'm writing to you with some good news from Pampers — for your baby , and your baby 's world .
8 His increasing tide of support from the populations of the Arab and wider Muslim world has puzzled Western observers , some of whom had actually believed that the Arabs might be only too glad to be rid of him with Western help .
9 I want you to get involved in sharing what I 'm doing for you with other folk .
10 The eyes seemed to be staring at him with peculiar intensity , as though he were a rare specimen whose every move must be observed .
11 I am arranging for the packaging and masters for the above title to be delivered to you with this letter .
12 This has to be suggested to her with some care , without giving her the impression that you think her sudden collapse into illness is in any way imminent or inevitable ; and it should not be suggested at all if it is felt that it might upset or frighten her .
13 If a Conservative MP X or Y , who has not been known to take ideological stands , approaches a minister or a whip and expresses grave doubts , this is viewed with considerable worry and it is assumed that these objections have been put forward by the MP only after the points have been put to him with equal or greater force in his constituency .
14 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
15 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
16 The two women were looking at him with great attention but it was the mother who spoke first .
17 Seven pairs of eyes were looking at him with open hostility , even the youngest 's who was not yet four .
18 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
19 Looking to the north , she could already see the curtains of snow which were sweeping towards them with terrifying speed .
20 The picture I am trying to convey , and it is one which is borne on me with passionate intensity almost every time I enter a primary school class , is of rigid and often unsuitable instruments ( the centralised curriculum plan , textbooks , methods of assessment ) imposed in situations where they do not apply or where they apply only to a small number of individuals within a group .
21 Many of his junior colleagues in Glasgow and Edinburgh subsequently filled senior academic and hospital posts in this country and overseas and he is remembered by them with much gratitude and affection .
22 My suggestion to Angus , while we were dishwashing after the battle , that maybe his food could have been injected somehow with a substance that even now could be working away to the detriment of everyone 's health was received by him with frosty amusement .
23 Robyn turned the ignition over , realising he was gaining on her with remarkable speed , and the jeep roared into life .
24 But she was looking at me with simple , concerned inquiry .
25 ‘ He does n't , eh ? ’ said the tramp , who was looking at her with great interest .
26 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
27 He was looking at her with one eyebrow cocked .
28 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
29 He was looking at her with frank enjoyment that seemed untainted by any sort of guilt .
30 But Wolff was looking at her with frank and breathless admiration .
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