Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The latter had been intended for the scrap-yard a short while earlier .
2 New evidence is not usually heard , but if it is material and could not reasonably have been heard by the Panel the Committee may hear it or refer it back to the Panel .
3 By the time I 'd recovered I was skinnier than ever , having been rationed to an orange a day .
4 When certain preparations of liquids containing small particles are examined under a microscope the particles are found to joggle around in what appears to be a random fashion .
5 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
6 But perhaps Governor Clinton 's most remarkable achievement will have been bringing to an end the Reagan-Bush years .
7 She had been referred to a physician the year after surgery with chest and epigastric pain .
8 Mr Piggott clicked his false teeth in disapproval at such wicked waste , and shook his head at the ‘ FOR SALE ’ board which had been erected at the gate the week before .
9 Details of recent deaths and horrific injuries suffered by boxers are catalogued in the report the second from the BMA report on the subject in almost 10 years .
10 Of course the Government are not satisfied with that , but at least it is clear that our efforts are having an impact and are bringing to an end the unsatisfactory increase in the number of homeless in bed-and-breakfast accommodation — which is falling in London , and is virtually stable across the rest of the country .
11 Answer guide : In the former case an invoice for the goods or services supplied has been received whereas in the latter no invoice has been received at the time the accounts are drawn up therefore an estimate of the amount owing for the goods or services provided is made .
12 ‘ We 've been caught in the middle a bit , ’ explains Billy .
13 She has been walking for an hour a day for more than a year , but very slowly .
14 Journalists who telephoned the divisional police were told bluntly that the men had not even been interviewed at the time the army spokesman had made his statement .
15 If the sales commissions ( averaging 8 per cent ) had been included in the calculation the results for the funds would have been concomitantly worse when compared to a buy-and-hold strategy .
16 or G There are included in the sale the following fixtures and fittings : ( Note : If fittings , etc , are of material value the price should be apportioned to reduce the consideration in the transfer , conveyance or assignment and therefore the stamp duty payable . )
17 Then : ‘ Georges said Edouard told his colleagues he 'd been attacked in the street the night before by some youths he did n't know .
18 All talk of a referendum had been dropped by the time the Supreme Soviet came to vote on the programme .
19 However , taken overall the exercise had focussed attention on the problems associated with the filing systems of the two departments , and many of them had been alleviated by the time the study was completed , albeit using manual methods rather than technical solutions .
20 The French are attracted by the fact the Magic Kingdom and the proposed second theme park are to be located at Marne-la-Valee near Paris , the heavy involvement of the French government and the existence of theme parks such as the Asterix near Paris .
21 If different types of FYM are available ( horse , cattle , pig , and chicken dung ) the more they are mixed in the heap the better ; the same goes for different types of vegetable matter .
22 Dave Herriot , now 67 , convener of shop stewards at Walkerburn when the mill crashed , said : ‘ Everyone has been sickened by the way the system has treated us .
23 The charge would be on a preceding year basis although if additional funds are added to the account the income arising from the additional funds will be assessed on the actual basis in the early years .
24 The italics are ours , and mark the parts which had been deleted by the time the twelfth edition was reached in 1954 ; the word trained was replaced by rightly guided .
25 Sobbing with pain and rage , he was carted off to hospital by an ashen Claudia and the family doctor , who 'd been presented with a horse every time he delivered a Mendoza baby .
26 When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane the tendency is for movement through the membrane to occur so that eventually both solutions are exactly the same strength on both sides of the membrane .
27 For instance , Pythagoras ' proof that the sides of a right-angled triangle are related by the formula a N2 + b N2 = c N2 shows more than the mere fact that all right-angled triangles do have this property .
28 At home , for example , we are seeking from the government a code of practice so that all refugees arriving here receive consistent , fair and humane treatment .
29 He argues that class conflicts and economic crises are built into the way the economic system works , and they can not be avoided .
30 In order to explain why offences of violence are regarded so seriously , reference has been made to the value a of privacy and physical integrity .
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