Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eager to lessen its dependence on the highly regulated and increasingly competitive British telecoms market , BT has been struggling to turn itself into a ‘ one-stop-shop ’ provider of global telecoms services for multinationals .
2 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
3 That 's why 67-year old George Bush has been seen humiliating himself on a tennis court and going on daily runs .
4 Titles stocked are selected to develop themselves on the morning and evening sermons .
5 Climbers who have succumbed to the lurking intimidation will find this little haven quite familiar over the next few moments … hours ? … as repeated attempts are made to commit themselves to a traverse across the wall towards that seemingly distant arête .
6 We 're going to lock ourselves inside the fragile skin of a small floating home , and all of us , three of us anyway , at odds and full of motives I did n't understand .
7 And now you 're trying to choke yourself on a drink of juice .
8 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
9 If elderly people are persuaded to uproot themselves in a hurry at the first sign of trouble , making major decisions at a time when they are not emotionally stable enough to think them through , like selling their homes and moving away from old friends and familiar surroundings into the different world and routine of a younger household , they sometimes regret it , and much unhappiness ensues for everyone .
10 You are going to need to buy some bathroom scales if you have n't got any , or if the ones you have got are n't accurate , because each day you are going to weight yourself to the nearest pound ( 0.5kg ) .
11 If you have a group of parents who want something particular from a school and are going to organise themselves into a group to pressurise that school , they 'll do it whether there 's a P T A there or not .
12 I hope now that the privileged few are having to lower themselves to the level of State schools , there will be more pressure on the Government to put some cash into education .
13 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
14 In Lobophytum species , the process is not particularly dramatic ; the polyps withdraw , the body of the animal will deflate , looking as though it has collapsed , and then when it takes in fresh water to stiffen up again , a thin , transparent layer of mucus can be seen detaching itself from the surface of the coral , to be swept away by water currents , the whole process usually taking a few hours .
15 There are other meanings to be drawn from this first sonnet , of course , but what is clear is that the poetic sequence of Astrophil and Stella may be seen announcing itself as a failure , a success , both , or neither .
16 That regional neglect has fuelled a feeling in many regions that perhaps they should be empowered to assist themselves in the face of an unsympathetic central Government .
17 The collaborators can be used to play themselves in the drama .
18 ‘ Yeah ; soon as it 's finished , I 'm going to throw myself off the Channel Tunnel . ’
19 ‘ It 's so awfully difficult — I 'd be bound to get myself in a muddle trying to explain myself . ’
20 What remained of the morning was to be spent acclimatising himself to the deaf-aid receiver and learning how to pace himself with the A.S.M. who was going to feed the lines .
21 But I do n't see why they should be asked to shoot themselves in the foot by paying to train a competitor 's workforce , and neither do they ! ’
22 Good communications are encouraged by doing so , and each product line can be encouraged to see itself as a profit centre , a company within the company , making for commitment to that element of the company objectives .
23 He seems to be playing really well at the moment and to let him go at this stage would be killing shooting ourselves in the foot .
24 In 1829 a convicted prisoner petitioned that he should have been allowed to free himself from a charge of robbery by rendering compensation .
25 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
26 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
27 It was , understandably , the peace which was essential information for the descendants , for it influenced their present actions to some extent ; and the solemnities were intended to impose themselves on the memory of the participants and witnesses and their children .
28 As individual developments , both directions were destined to run themselves into the ground .
29 Outdoor enthusiasts of all abilities are being challenged to test themselves to the full in an exciting sponsored event in the Peak District taking place this autumn .
30 Chapman took over at Leeds at a time when professional footballers were beginning to assert themselves as an organized body of workers .
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