Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] [det] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is , that because of the power of male definitions of reality in our culture , and because women are taught to accept these definitions too , the friendship and support which countless women give to each other can remain unacknowledged and invisible .
2 ‘ More and more people are struggling to pay these bills even now and this will be the last straw for many of them .
3 If we 're going to draw some lines perhaps it would be reasonable to say well patients with a flow of greater than fifteen certainly are unlikely to be obstructed , and patients whose detrusor pressure is less than fifty would seem to fail to satisfy our criteria for obstruction , because obstruction in a urodynamic sense implies a high pressure and a low flow .
4 When additions are expected , two techniques are used to store those additions so that they are available for both sequential and direct access .
5 General ‘ political economy ’ explanations must be correct in locating such developments within complex shifts in the production process , industrial infrastructure , and labour force requirements occurring at a particular stage of advanced industrialization — though much work needs to be done to define these shifts more precisely .
6 ‘ Seamus should be told to put those steps right .
7 There are some known premalignant conditions that might theoretically be used to identify those patients most in need of regular endoscopic follow up .
8 ‘ I 'm going to clear these plates away , then I 'm going to bed , Mr Jacobsen , ’ she said with quiet resolution .
9 Ideally , a way should be found to employ both arms together .
10 Church musicians might be encouraged to attend such courses together with the clergy .
11 If the algorithm is to do all we want , contexts should be allowed to include some variables too .
12 Er , and in this instance I have consistently erm , asked that we , we do all we can , to allow us to spend our capital receipts , and the fact that we had the holiday last year was er , er , of of great benefit to this this council , erm , there are er times when we should er perhaps be putting money into reserves or paying off debt , but this council should be allowed to make those decisions rather
13 It was a practical certainty that he would be trying to raise more loans long before these were ever repaid .
14 And we have not been asked to see any patients specifically to help social workers ' assessments .
15 He had been asked to speak some months ago on the subject , ‘ A Woman 's Place ’ .
16 The University will assume that it is free to approach referees at any stage unless the candidate 's application stipulates otherwise ( i.e. candidates who wish a referee or referees to be approached only with their specific permission and/or if they are being called for interview on the final short list or are in receipt of a conditional offer , are asked to state such requirements explicitly alongside the details of the relevant referee(s) ) .
17 To ensure that hospital consultants — whose decisions effectively commit sums of money — are involved in the management of hospitals ; are given responsibility for the use of resources ; and are encouraged to use those resources more effectively .
18 The little girl was on her own a few yards from the rug where she had been sitting eating some moments before .
19 Many years ago scientists tried to develop machines that produced speech from a vocabulary of pre-recorded words ; the machines were designed to join these words together to form sentences .
20 These are the worries of the modern world , and a Church being seen to tackle these problems head-on would be a much better image-builder than 10 TV ads trying to entice people into church on Sundays .
21 It described how there had been a fifty percent increase in food poisoning cases in district year and then it went on to say that it , it was largely , it was thought that that increase was largely because of the increased publicity which the council had been given hygiene training , and saying how many people had been trained , and how the Health Committee was being asked to provide more resources so there could more courses even , even more courses in the following year .
22 The parents of toddlers and preschool children were encouraged to give several servings daily from a variety of fibre rich foods such as whole grain breads and cereals , fruits and vegetables , and legumes .
23 CID is also being extended to cover those persons forcibly confined to psychiatric hospitals .
24 A reconvened multi-party constitutional conference early next month is expected to leap these hurdles quickly .
25 If the system is designed to encompass both types then both types can be used .
26 He 's going to break some hearts tonight
27 There are two solutions : one is to devour a treatise on instruments , instrumentation , and orchestration ; the other is to learn to play enough instruments so that we can learn the main performing principles of each of the main instrumental groups — strings , woodwind , brass , and keyboard .
28 Unless firmer action is taken to remove these weaknesses then there can be no authority to act against censorship on a larger stage .
29 Now hospital chiefs are planning to group some wards closer together to save doctors having to walk so far .
30 A sub-group of the Patterns of Service Committee of SAD was formed to explore these issues further .
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