Example sentences of "[be] [noun] [Wh adv] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are times when the word unbelief is used to describe the doubts of those who are definitely believers but only when they are at a stage of doubting which is rationally inexcusable and well on the way to becoming fullgrown unbelief .
2 He fully realises that there are situations when the world organisation must be able to use military force .
3 Pressing need : Boutros Boutros-Ghali fully realises that there are situations when the world organisation must be able to use military force .
4 And there may be cases when the US Government should , in the national interest , take extraordinary powers over foreign-owned companies , the report states .
5 Chapter five dealt with misspellings and mis-recognitions , but there are always going to be cases when the input word is not in the look-up word list .
6 Patients M24 , M25 , and M26 were inpatients when the epidemic strain was first cultured from their sputum .
7 Across the river were orchards where the evening sun hung sheets of coloured gossamer between the trees .
8 To be fair , none of the players here is less than extremely competent , but there are moments when the piano tone appears monochrome or lacking in warmth .
9 There are occasions when the Nelson touch is needed and a blind eye turned when events are not turning out quite as well as planned .
10 However , there are occasions when the trace element pattern of a metal object bears some traces of the elements in the original ore .
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