Example sentences of "[conj] we had the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid the fact is that we had the finest guitarist in the world and we did n't recognise it .
2 We had to look at what we can afford to do in the future , and make sure that we had the right number of quality staff in the right places to carry out our programme .
3 He said : ‘ It was at a meeting on January 17 — two days after we answered the status inquiry — that we had the first indication that the shop had decided to consult an insolvency expert . ’
4 Last week we had the Co-op Congress , and the week before that we had the Basque flag flying from socialist Spain because of our new links with Bilbao the ferry service there .
5 IT WAS 25 YEARS AGO I think , wrote Leopold Mozart to his wife on their wedding anniversary in 1772 , ‘ that we had the bright idea of getting married . ’
6 It was also during this period that we had the strangest set of photographs taken of us , by Peter Christopherson who worked for a design company , Hipgnosis — whose offices were at the back of our Denmark Street HQ — and who later joined Throbbing Gristle , a band best known for tabloid spreads on their occult practices .
7 But it finally ended up that we had the whole thing Rousay Egilsay and Wyre .
8 We could mobilise the resources and we had the moral drive .
9 They sat with us and we had the greatest time . ’
10 This is a , you know , this is the third one which is er was similar to others we 've had , the steps and we had the other door and a few steps down , and then , this is all similar types of photographs and all taken from different sort of angles .
11 And we had the fantastic help in from South Wales , most thos terribly good er people were terribly good to us in organizing er different things .
12 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
13 and we had the cheapest fares for many years because of that
14 And we had the wrong contacts with the wrong people .
15 It was good fun except for the fact that it was extremely cold and we had the wrong Bethlehem carol sheet .
16 He sent for me and demanded my resignation , and we had the worst row I 've ever had in my business life . ’
17 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
18 He worked for the council and was responsible for the sewage outfall until we had the new drainage scheme . ’
19 We could , then , presumably , if we had the relevant instrumentation , specify the place of the utterance in terms of a fine interaction of latitude and longitude .
20 If we had the given conception of " now-they-work-and-now-they-don't " circumstances , we presumably would also have an idea along these lines that might be reported .
21 Almost certainly if we had the full text of Edward 's coronation oath , we should find that , like his predecessors back to the early twelfth century and his successors to the end of the Middle Ages , he promised to protect the liberties of the church , which , after all , was also the substance of the first clause of Magna Carta .
22 So , if we had the same range of materials on video as we do on audio , would we continue to use audio in language teaching ?
23 ‘ I would hate it to go down in Conservative mythology that we always had to have a gaggle of young men running every campaign , ’ he said , ‘ although if we had the same bunch at the next election at least they 'd be a few years older . ’
24 Almost all our village would go — brothers , sisters , relatives and friends , arriving home every fortnight , unless we had the good fortune to be working nearby .
25 The other companies had good theatres and some good actors , but we had the famous Richard Burbage — and the best plays .
26 We had a small walled garden and oblong of grass and , though Father kept a long side bed gay with red geraniums , white marguerites and blue lobelia , capable of standing up to the odd cricket ball and the games we children were able to play in the few remaining square yards behind beggared description but we had the whole Heath beyond .
27 I was laughing about with er what 's , I 'm gon na write er a note to my chi er letter to my children for , you know , before very long no good thinking about it , well you would n't think about it after when it 's too late , but my kids have been a you know a great comfort the four from my first Joan , Joan has too , she 's been a dear but we had the same problems when she was getting older .
28 but we had the same thing with , course it 's going back Joan 's generation er see younger generation altogether than mine but our , our lives were well we 'll say well my father was in the Secret Service , in the government , Scotland Yard but erm
29 The electric bill used to be so high because we had the electric fire on all the time and we used to leave the oven on as well .
30 Because of his lucrative clothing and flamboyant style of play , it was possible to be unsure of his ability as a player , but since we had the good fortune to see Andrew at Wimbledon this year , many people now know what a truly talented and exciting man he really is .
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