Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb past] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But that 's not where we saw the red squirrel .
2 We began at Bakewell , the central town of the Peaks , where we visited the 14th Century church to see its celebrated collection of mediaeval monuments , did some souvenir shopping and could n't resist a genuine Bakewell Pudding before going to nearby Chatsworth , the ‘ Palace of the Peak ’ .
3 We began at Bakewell , the central town of the Peaks , where we visited the 14th Century church to see its celebrated collection of mediaeval monuments , did some souvenir shopping and could n't resist a genuine Bakewell Pudding before going on to nearby Chatsworth , the ‘ Palace of the Peak ’ .
4 And since , through election by the princes , the kingdom and the empire are ours from God alone , Who at the time of the passion of His Son Christ subjected the world to dominion by the two swords ( Luke 22:38 ) and since the apostle Peter taught this doctrine ‘ fear God , honour the King ’ ( Peter 2:17 ) whosoever says that we received the imperial crown as a benefice from the lord pope contradicts the divine ordinance and the doctrine of Peter and is guilty of a lie …
5 It was vital that we understood the political infighting between the ‘ moderates ’ and the ‘ radicals ’ there as it seemed more relevant to John and the other British hostages .
6 This pleased him , that we knew the proper response .
7 It was on one of Mike 's rest days , when I went along with Christophe to do some sound recordings , that we got the first view of what was to become an obsession for Mike and me over the next two and a half years .
8 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
9 IT WAS with great shock that we heard the sad news that had died in hospital on Friday , May 21 , only a few weeks before he was due to retire .
10 It was then that we made the surprising discovery that the Sultan , " the Great Mountain " , is officially married to Loro Kidul .
11 Assume that we estimated the unrestricted version of equation ( 6.20 ) ; that is , where the 's are coefficients and are equation errors .
12 I 'm afraid the fact is that we had the finest guitarist in the world and we did n't recognise it .
13 We had to look at what we can afford to do in the future , and make sure that we had the right number of quality staff in the right places to carry out our programme .
14 He said : ‘ It was at a meeting on January 17 — two days after we answered the status inquiry — that we had the first indication that the shop had decided to consult an insolvency expert . ’
15 Last week we had the Co-op Congress , and the week before that we had the Basque flag flying from socialist Spain because of our new links with Bilbao the ferry service there .
16 IT WAS 25 YEARS AGO I think , wrote Leopold Mozart to his wife on their wedding anniversary in 1772 , ‘ that we had the bright idea of getting married . ’
17 It was also during this period that we had the strangest set of photographs taken of us , by Peter Christopherson who worked for a design company , Hipgnosis — whose offices were at the back of our Denmark Street HQ — and who later joined Throbbing Gristle , a band best known for tabloid spreads on their occult practices .
18 But it finally ended up that we had the whole thing Rousay Egilsay and Wyre .
19 Erm , it 's certainly true that we reduced the total size of a particular team or unit dealing with international affairs , but only on the grounds that we actually felt that it was very important that all the teams should be working on international and European dimensions of their work , rather than seeing it as compartmentalised in one area .
20 After living rough for some time she decided that we offered the best chance of a home , and moved in Fizzy 's attitude is ambivalent .
21 It is amazing that the hon. Gentleman , who professes knowledge of social security matters , has not alluded to the fact that we restructured the national insurance scheme .
22 It was here that we found the official report of the operation by 22 Squadron on September 17 , 1940 , the report with which I had opened this story .
23 They forget that we paid the higher price for the partition of Germany as a precondition for peace in Europe .
24 Notice in particular that we set out the Keynesian theory more generally than we did the classical theory where we assumed no government and no foreign trade .
25 We knew that the districts under study were fairly advanced in the adoption of the care programme approach , and we wanted to find out how representative they might be of other authorities , so we studied the mental health chapters of community care plans to supplement our information .
26 It was ridiculous so we restored the passing loop at Aberffrwd that has helped considerably .
27 David would n't do it , so we lost the front cover .
28 Once we reached the far side of the bridge we went via a very old iron kissing gate into the field which early in summer was always a mass of buttercups .
29 In desperation , once we hit the less-trafficked back roads south-east of Manor House , I cover the last leg on the well-polished bodywork of someone 's brand new Volvo .
30 Middle of the following week and we got the first reconciliation yesterday .
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